Chapter 7

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After having to chase Felix and Seungmin around the school,

And having to stop Felix from pouncing on Chan once he found out what happened,

And after having to watch Hyunjin and Seungmin practically make out in front of the whole school,

And having to avoid Chan the best he can which failed since Felix had jumped him in the cafeteria and he had to break the two apart.

He was just tired and so done with the day. He just wanted to go home and sleep. But he he couldnt because he still had history.

He half- succeeded in avoiding Chan the whole day but knew he was still going to have to talk to him during history because of the stupid project that they got assigned.

He didnt even understand why they needed to do it anyway.

Their teacher already had many posters filled with facts about World War ll around the room,

And she had taught it to them every year since they were freshman, that there was absolutely no need to create a whole project because indeed everyone has heard about it more than a thousand times.

Jeongin sighed and sat in his seat in the back, taking out the things he needed for the class.

"Okay guy, I'll give you the class period to work on your projects. Remember their due next Monday" their teacher said before sitting at her desk.

Everyone around the room got up and began moving around. Finding spots to work in, taking out stuff they'll need for their project.

Jeongin opened his computer with a sigh doing some research. He plugged in his headphones and put the musical volume on high, drowning out the noisy classroom.

He felt a presence next to him and chose to ignore it, already knowing it was Chan.

"Jeongin I know you're mad at me but at least put up with me until we finish this" Chan said but the younger didnt hear him.

Chan lowered his head, "I'm really sorry Jeongin. I really am. I should've never did what I did. I was stupid and I should've just owned up to my feelings. The reason I did it is because I like you, a lot. And I didnt know how to comprehend my emotions and-"

Chan stopped looking up. And it was only then that he realized the younger wasnt even paying attention to him.

"Are you even listening to me?" His question was answered when he finally heard the loud music coming from Jeongins headphones.

Chan scoffed, anger taking over body. His stood up abruptly, knocking over his chair.

Everyone in the class turned and looked at him. Even the teacher stopped what she was doing. The room silent.

"You know what screw you, Jeongin. Cant believe I even wasted my time on someone like you"

Once again poor Jeongin didnt hear him due to the loud music playing in his headphones.

Chan scoffed once more, grabbing his bag and storming out of the room.

Everyone then laid their eyes on Jeongin, who was peacefully taking down notes.

His teacher cleared her throat and walked over, tapping his shoulder.

He turned and took out his earbud. "Yeah?" He asked.

"What happened just now between you and Chan?" She asked.

Jeongin scrunched his eyebrows, "huh?"

A girl in his class giggled at his response. The rest of the class following pursuit.

"What?" Jeongin asked confused, cheeks tinting red.

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