Chapter 43

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The tears threatened to fall but he wouldnt allow them, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Chan had soon noticed that Jeongin was there and so did the girl, she smirked as she slid off Chan's lap.

It took everything in Jeongin to not scream or cry. He didnt allow himself to break down not yet.

"Jeongin," Chan stood up. He wasnt complete naked, just shirtless. And when Jeongin glanced at the girl, she was also shirtless as well.

Even though he hadn't seen them completely naked, it still hurt to think that if he hadn't come early, he would have walked in on them fucking.

Chan didnt know what to say, he opened and closed his mouth like a fish trying to breathe air.

After a moment of complete awkward silence, Jeongin spoke,

"Why?" his voice was hardly above a whisper, too afraid it will crack if he spoke louder.

It was a simple question. A very simple question, all Chan had to do was why was it so hard for him to give a reasonable explanation?


"Dont baby me. Answer the question, Why? Why did I walk in on my boyfriend making out with some girl half naked? Why...why did you cheat on me?" Jeongin asked his voice quivering.

Chan stood there looking stupid. He didnt know what to say. He wasnt able to answer the questions asked.

A few tears escaped Jeongins eyes and fell down his cheek to which he quickly wiped away, taking a deep breath.

"How long?" He asked looking away, staring at the door that somehow became really interesting.

"What?" Chan croaked. His throat felt dry.

"How long has this been going on? Or was it just a one time thing?" Jeongin asked finally looking Chan in the eyes.

That's when Chan saw Jeongins true emotion. Hatred, confusion, hurt, sadness, it was all like a storm in Jeongin's eyes swirling around and building up.

"It started a month after I came here" Chan whispered looking down. Jeongin scoffed and brought his hands to his face.

"Did you even love me?" He asked making Chan look up at him. "Did you mean it?"

"Of course" Chan said taking a step forward making Jeongin take a step back instinctively.

"If you really loved me, you wouldn't have did this Chan" Jeongin stated making Chan gulp in shame.

"Listen baby, this was a mistake" Chan said indicating between him and the girl, he had walked over to Jeongin so the two were about a foot apart

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jeongin shouted anger taking over him, pushing Chan making him stumble a little.

"A mistake? Really? That sorry ass excuse!" Jeongin shouted once more pushing Chan once again.

"You've been cheating on me for how many months now...and it was a mistake? Bullshit!" Jeongin scoffed and shook his head.

"Innie," Chan tried, trying to hold Jeongin's hands but Jeongin refused.

"No, you don't get to call me that anymore. I'm not your Innie, your Jeonginnie, your baby, babe, sweetheart, sweety, I'm not your anything." Jeongin said shaking his head.

He walked back to the doorway and picked up the gift bag, turning around to show Chan the contents.

"Look" He took out the medicine he bought, "Because you said you were sick"

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