Chapter 11

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Chan entered Jeongin's room seeing the boy peacefully sleeping cuddling with a stuff animal.

Chan used all his energy to not fanboy over the sleeping child.

Instead he ran up to the bed and jumped right on top of him. Jeongin let out a groan before breathing out an "Ow"

"I'm sorry. You looked so cute sleeping" Chan said pinching Jeongin's cheeks.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and closed them. "Why'd you wake me then?"

"Because we have to start getting ready if we want to get there on time" Chan said rolling off Jeongin and onto the empty space next to him.

"Get ready? For what?" Jeongin asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Felix invited us to the beach" Chan said sitting up as well.

Jeongin nodded his head while he stretched. Chan watched as Jeongin cutely yawned.

Before his heart exploded he stood up, "Its 12 and we have to be there by 1:30"

He ruffled Jeongin's hair slowly, making the younger let out a small moan of satisfaction.

His eyes shot open and his cheeks tinted red. He quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom.

Chan sat back on the bed letting out a small laugh. He kept replaying what had happened in his mind over and over again.

"I need holy water" he mumbled fanning his burning face as he walked towards the door.

He looked over at the bathroom door, lewd thoughts filling his head.

"Oh my god" Chan scoffed covering his face and quickly leaving the room.

Moments later Jeongin came out of the bathroom. He grabbed a bag and began putting necessities inside.

Such as a towel, sunscreen, (im too lazy to make a list) things you will bring to a beach.

As he was collecting his things he couldnt help but replay that he actually moaned in front of Chan.

He felt his cheeks grow red and he fell face first onto his bed.

"I'm so embarrassed"


When they arrived at the beach, Jeongin saw more people than he had expected but to his luck he recognized all but one.

Seungmin ran over grabbed his hand, "We have to introduce to everyone"

He pulled Jeongin along with Chan following behind. They arrived at the group, Chan immediately greeting everyone.

"Okay, so you already know Kleenex and Changing" Seungmin said pointing to Felix and Changbin who were filling up water guns.

He led him to Minho was sitting on a beach chair. Jeongins jaw dropped as Minho was literally posing like a model without even meaning to.

"Jeongin this is Minho, Minho this is Jeongin" Seungmin said introducing them.

Jeongin shyly waved. Even though he has seen Minho many times during classes and in the halls, he has never really spoke to him.

Minho smiled at him "Hey"

'He seems pretty nice...Jeongin say something so you dont look weird' he thought to himself.

"Hey....Are you really straight?" Jeongin asked. Seungmin facepalmed as Minho only laughed.

"Any way" Seungmin said pulling Jeongin away.

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