Chapter 6

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Awkwardness and tension filled the air the next morning.

Chan expected Jeongin to at least try and talk to him, giving his personality. But Jeongin ignored him completely.

He walked down the steps, not looking at the other, ignoring his whole existence.

"Good morning" Chan called out to him, hoping the other would respond but was shut down when he got no response.

Jeongin continued into the kitchen, making him a bowl of cereal he probably wasnt even going to eat.

Turning around to open the fridge, he was met with Chan. Startled he let out a small yelp, backing up.

Chan took the limited time to look at him. His eyes were red and puffy as if he been crying all night. His cheeks were flushed and had tear stains on them.

Jeongin sniffled, regaining his posture, and pushed past Chan to open the fridge.

Chan let out a sigh, "Jeongin" he said. The younger boy ignored him, peacefully pouring his milk.

He turned back around to put the milk away but Chan grabbed it from him.

Jeongin rolled his eyes, grabbing his spoon and making his way out of the kitchen.

Chan grabbed his hand stopping him, "Jeongin please"

"No" was all Jeongin said before pulling his arm and continuing his way to the room.

Chan sighed and rested on the kitchen counter. "I'm so damn stupid" he muttered to himself.

He let his head fall, hitting it hard on the counter. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" he repeated hitting his head with every word said.

"Stop before you hurt youself" Jeongin said entering the kitchen.

Chan lifted his head watching as he went into the fridge and took out some banana milk.

And without out a word he left.

Chan groaned sliding to the floor, "Why'd I have to do this?" He asked himself.

He laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. A thousand thoughts flying through his head.

Not even getting up once, he stayed laying in the kitchen. After what felt like hours, which was only a few minutes, he finally knew what he had to do.

He heard Jeongin walking down the stairs which caused him to immediately get up.

Exiting the kitchen, he saw Jeongin putting on his shoes. He had his headphones in, probably bursting music to ignore the older.

He grabbed his bag and exited out the house without a word.

Chan stood confused before realizing that it was Tuesday. And that they had school.


*le time skip*

Jeongin arrived at school to be met with Seungmin and Jisung.

"Hey" Seungmin said happily upon seeing his friend.

Jeongin gave a small smile that disappeared as quick as it had came.

"Aw, What's wrong?" Jisung asked noticing his depressive mood.

"Chan hates me" Jeongin mumbled. Both Jisung and Seungmin stopped walking.

Jeongin stopped noticing his friends weren't by him. He turned around to see they both had shocked expressions on their face.


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