Chapter 28

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"Chan what?" Jisung asked with his eyes widening slightly.

"Last night, I was in Chan's room and-"

"Why were you in Chan's room?"

"Let me finish!" Jeongin shouted shutting Jisung up, "Jeez"

"As I was saying" Jeongin started making Jisung roll his eyes.

"I was in Chan's room and I was sleeping. Well not really asleep I just had my eyes closed and was trying to fall asleep because you know you have to pretend to be asleep in order to fall asleep"

"Jeongin you're rambling"

"Right, okay so I was fake sleeping but not really. Then Chan started talking and at first I thought he was talking on the phone but then I realized he was actually talking to me." Jeongin said.

"Isnt that kind of creepy?" Jisung asked fixing the strap of his book bag.

"Chan's just naturally creepy but I like that" Jeongin said biting his lip seductively.

"Ew" Jisung grabbed Jeongins arm and led him to his car. "Dont ever do that again"

"Whatever" Jeongin opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"So I didnt know what to do whether to open my eyes or just pretend to be asleep. I chose the second option" he said as Jisung started the car.

"He started talking about how much he liked me and stuff"

"Seatbelt" Jisung stated pulling out of the parking lot.

Jeongin pulled his seat belt out and buckled it continuing talking.

"And that night where we uh slept together. He asked if it meant something to me" Jeongin said.

"Well did you answer?" Jisung asked not taking his eyes off the road.

"No. He thought I was asleep and I intended to keep it that way. I'm too awkward for confrontation." Jeongin stated.

"What else happened?"

"He said that it meant a lot to him. And I guess it does because he admitted that he had liked me for a long time and sleeping with someone you really like is something a lot of people dream of" Jeongin said tapping the car door.

"The real question is, Did it mean something to you?" Jisung asked stopping the car and turning to look at the younger.

"I'm not sure"

"What do you mean you're not sure?"

"I was drunk, Jisung! I didnt know what I was getting myself into. I didnt think my first time would be so soon and especially with Chan. And I guess I did like it...." Jeongin trailed off.

"So what are you doing?" Jisung asked. "You like Chan. Chan admitted that he liked you. You guys both enjoyed having sex together"

"Please dont use that word"

"What I'm saying is, go to him and tell him how you feel. Dont leave him hanging." Jisung said.

"What about you and Minho?" Jeongin asked.


"Huh" Jeongin mocked, "Dont act like you dont know. The reason you wanted us to act all close together isnt just to make Chan jealous. You were using me to make Minho jealous"

"I wasnt using you, Jeongin" Jisung sighed leaning back in his seat.

"We both used each other and not in a bad way. Because at the end of the day, both of us would have been happy" Jeongin stated.

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