Chapter 34

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Jeongin traced small circles on Chan's bare chest, humming a small tune.

The two were laying on Chan's bed, their legs tangled together and Jeongin laying his head on Chan's shoulder while Chan had his eyes closed, possibly sleeping.

"Jeongin...." Chan spoke softly.

"Hmm" Jeongin hummed out his answer, too focused on tracing the lines of Chan's abs.

"I love you"

Jeongin stopped, like literally stopped. It felt as if his body had shut down because over the year and few months that they have been dating. They have never exchanged an 'I love you' before. So naturally it caught him off guard.

So he had to ask this question. Does he love Chan? And as soon as he asked it in him mine, he smiled, letting out a breath he didnt know he was holding, and continued to trace Chan's abs.

"I love you too" Jeongin said moving his head so he can look up at Chan, who turned out to already be looking at him with a smile.

"Oh god, I'm in love!" Chan said giving Jeongin a peck on the lips, making the younger giggle.

"I love you, I love you, I love you" Chan repeated kissing Jeongin's face all over making the younger laugh loudly.

"" Chan said before kissing Jeongin on the lips again.

It was deep and passionate, ya'know the usual.

"Hey, Chan. There was a bag of fo- woah" Mel stopped midsentence seeing her roommate and his boyfriend making out. Her eyes scanned the room seeing clothes scattered on the floor.

"Yeah okay"

She sighed and placed the forgotten bag of food on the desk before shaking her head and leaving the room. She decided to just wait outside until they were finished to go inside and do her work.

"I'm too gay for this" She mumbled closing the door.

Jeongin pulled away and looked at the closed door. "Was that Mel just now?" he laughed.

"Who cares?" Chan stated kissing Jeongins neck, "Let's go for another round"

Chan was now huddling over Jeongin, kissing from his jaw to his neck.

"Chan, we can't" Jeongin giggled, "She's probably waiting for us to finish"




another kiss


another kiss.

"Just one more round" Chan said looking into Jeongin's eyes. Jeongin smiled, seeing Chan's eyes full of lust.

"We already had three" Jeongin whispered, his arms wrapping around Chan's neck.

"One more couldn't hurt" Chan whispered back leaning down. Jeongin rolled his eyes playfully before bring Chan down into a rough kiss.

(When Chan and Jeongin said 👌👈, I felt that😔✊)

After another three rounds later, Jeongin knew it was time to leave. Both he and Chan took a shower together which resulted in them doing it again.

Jeongin dressed in Chan's clothes, which were slightly big on him but he liked it.

When Jeongin opened the door, he saw Mel standing there with her arms crossed.

He gave a guilty and embarrassed smile, bowing slightly.

"I'm sorry" He said. She laughed,

"You are too cute, dont be. I understand you guys havent seen eachother in a long time"

Jeongin smiled at her, "Thanks for understand"

"See you tomorrow" Chan said giving him a quick kiss.

"Actually, my roommate is giving me a tour of the campus tomorrow" Jeongin stated.

"Oh" Chan said disappointed, "Why dont you cancel? And I'll give you the tour"

Jeongin gave a sad smile, "I'm sorry Chan. I already promised him"

"Him, huh?" Chan raised his brow. Jeongin sighed, "No need to get jealous. I only have eyes for you"

Jeongin gave Chan another kiss before waving a goodbye to Mel and heading down the hall and down the steps.

Mel turned to look at Chan who was still looking at the spot Jeongin was last.

She rolled her eyes and pushed him into the room and slammed the door shut.

"What the hell is your problem?" She asked crossing her arms and leaning against the door.


"Dont what me, you know exactly what I'm talking about"

Chan groaned and sat on the bed, "I dont want to talk about it"

"What you're doing is hurting him. One because he doesnt know and two because he fucking loves you and you're here-"

"Hey, dont pin the blame on me! You're involved in this too" Chan stated.

"Do you think I wanted it to happen?" She defended herself.

"Do you think I did?"

"You were the one who took things too far. I'm not the one who made the mistake" Chan only rolled his eyes causing her to scoff.

"Could you even call it a mistake? Because you're still doing it. I already kept this secret for too long-"

Chan stood up quickly, grabbing her shoulders, "You can't tell him"

"Why not? I dont want him hating me for something YOU did"

"Mel, please. I love him" Chan begged.

"If you love him you shouldn't have done what you did. Not only have you betrayed my trust, you betrayed his and that's on you, not me. If you dont tell him, I will. You have a week"

She scoffed and opened the door, "I never thought of you to do something like this"

I'm changing Chan's roommate's name to Mel instead of Dez just becuz I feel like it fits more, idk. I like it better.

Baby Boy (Jeongchan)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon