Chapter 40

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Jeongin walked out of the building, his camera in hand as he looked through the photos he took throughout the day.

He ended up bumping into a hard chest, almost dropping his camera. Looking up he went to say sorry when he saw it was Chan.

"Hi baby" Chan said kissing Jeongin's cheek.

"Hi! I thought you had an extra class today?" Jeongin asked as the two walked down the sidewalk.

"Ah, it got cancelled." Chan lied. Truth was he was skipping so he'll be able to hang out with Jeongin.

"Oh okay, I guess you can come with me then" Jeongin said entwining their hands together.

"Where are we going?" Chan asked confused as Jeongin led the way.

"The park. I wanted to take some pictures of nature" Jeongin stated simply making Chan smile softly.

He let the younger drag him towards their destination, Chan taking the time to admire the young boy in front of him.

Guilt began to spread through his body but he pushed it away. He was going to enjoy their time together. He was going to tell him, just not now.

Over the next hour, Jeongin took many pictures of flowers, trees, the sky, birds, squirrels, butterflies, etc. He even snuck some pictures of Chan when he saw the sun light hitting Chan perfectly creating the perfect lighting for a picture.

Jeongin already had enough pictures so he turned to taking pictures of something more beautiful. His boyfriend.

Some of them were taken in secret, others he asked Chan to pose or to not move so he can snap a pic. Some of them was just the two making funny faces into the camera and just messing around.

Chan stopped to admire the butterfly garden they had came across. Watching in awe as the butterflies peaceful glided around, one even landing on his finger tip.

Jeongin watched with a smile on his face, quickly pulling out his camera and capturing the moment.

Once the butterfly flew away  Jeongin walked up to Chan. "Beautiful isnt it?"

"Not as beautiful as you" Chan said with a smirk. Jeongin shoved him slightly.

"That was cheesy. Cute but cheesy"

"You liked it though"

"Yeah...I did" Jeongin smiled.

After a few seconds of silence, Jeongin tapped Chan's arm.

"Catch me if you can" He said before taking off. Chan laughed at Jeongin's childish nature, chasing after him.

It seemed as Jeongin had turned into the flash as he ran from Chan, his laughter like music to Chan's ears.

"Since when was he 90 percent legs?" Chan asked himself as he saw the boy running fast.

Soon Chan caught up to Jeongin, grabbing onto his waist and pulling him into his chest.

Jeongin giggled as he felt Chan's arms around him, he gasped when he pulled to the ground.

His back hit the soft grass and Chan hovered over him. It felt like deja vu.

"Caught you" Chan said his voice low. Jeongin giggled once more.

"You caught me" He whispered.

Chan smirked and leaned in, pressing his lips against Jeongins and the two shared a slow kiss.

When they pulled away, Chan spoke first.

"I love you"

Jeongin smiled,

"I love you too"

Chan smiled in response. He was so utterly whipped for the boy that he didnt know what to do. He couldnt just break his heart like that. Sad thing was, he already did.

Chan knew he was screwed.

Short chapters are to come and soon your questions will be answered.

Short chapters are to come and soon your questions will be answered

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