Chapter 46

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"You boys want to tell me why you were fighting in the cafeteria?" The administrator asked adjusting his glasses.

Jeongin scanned the office, his eyes landing on the name tag on the desk which read 'Mr. P'

No one spoke, everyone avoiding eye contact. Mr.P sighed and shook his head.

Chan took a glance at Jeongin who kept his head down. He noticed that he was gripping onto Jimin's sweater tightly.

"I do not tolerate such behavior in this school" He stated, clasping his hands together

"Really? Because you seemed really sarcastic when you tried to pull Jeongin off of saliva" Jimin retorted.

"Its Shalisa" Chan commented.

"Shut it cantaloupe" Jimin said glaring at Chan.

"I cant stand you" Chan whispered to himself.

"Then sit down" Jimin stated.

"I am sitting down!"

"Well then you should be able to stand me if your sitting down" Jimin scoffed, shaking his head.

"People these days" He sighed.

Chan look at him confused, questioning his whole existence at that point.

Mr. P sighed and pulled out his phone, "I'm going to have to call your parents"

He handed the phone to Jimin, who gladly accepted it.

"Just call your mom or dad, explain to them what happened then give me the phone so I can speak with them" Mr.P explained.

"Gladly" Jimin said typing in the numbers and calling.

After two rings, the phone was answered. "Hi mom" Jimin said cheerfully.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me mom?" Jin sighed from the other end.

"So uh, I kind of got in trouble" Jimin explained.

"Is that why you're calling from a different number? What did you do this time?" Jin asked.

"I got in a fight"

"Did you beat their ass?"

Jimin looked at Chan who had a busted lip, a black eye, a bleeding nose, a cut on his cheek and underneath his eyebrow, a bruise forming on his cheek as well as really red hand print.

"Yes mom" Jimin finally answered.

"Good. I raised you right. Let me speak with whoever is in charge" Jin demanded.

"My mommy wants to speak with you" Jimin said innocently, handing the phone to Mr.P

He grabbed the phone and put it to his ear clearing his throat, "Hello this is Mr.P I assume-"

He was cut off by some loud yelling on the other end making him pull the phone away from his ear.

"Okay, Jimin. You will not be in trouble, you'll just get off with a warning" Mr.P said once the call finished after five minutes.

Jimin smiled, nodding knowingly.

"You may leave now" Mr.P added.

Jimin stood up to leave but Jeongin grabbed his sleeve, tightly. He looked up at him with teary eyes, took a quick glance at Chan before looking back up at Jimin and shaking his head softly.

"Um I'll just stay here" Jimin said sitting back down. Mr.P didnt even question it.

"Okay...Jeongin, your parents number" Mr.P said handing Jeongin the phone.

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