Chapter 2: Louis

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I tugged on Ian's shirt while waiting for the stupid auction to start, i was surrounded by dozens of girls either crying like babies or squealing while with their famous Human Hunter. you just got kidnapped! why are you head over heels by the person who took you away from your life!?

Ian groaned "what?"

"I need to go to the restroom..." i admit, he gave me a face

"You went to the restroom 5 times in the past 5 minutes, why do you need to go so much?"

"My blood sugars high" he blinked, processing

"I'm sorry... did you say blood sugar?" i nodded

"I'm diabetic" he faced palmed and yanked me to the restroom, threw me into the stalls, slammed the door closed and leaned on it on the other side

"Why didn't you say something in the first place?" He snarled, i felt weird that he had to listen to me pee a bunch of times but he can't leave me, there may be a vampire here that may want to kill me

"Well..." I started "it never came up, why you think i was wobbling earlier?"

"I just thought you were sleepy, you kept sleeping on my back" good point

"Well i'm diabetic" i finished my business and walked out, he stared down at me

"So... What do you need for your uh... Diabetes?" He said giving me the backpack i had when i left the library, i dug in it and saw the medical necklace that reached to the middle of my breast and put it on, i took it off because it was bothering me while i studied, bad choice, always keep it on!

I took out my blood sugar test machine and read a high number, i could feel Ian's breath on the back of my neck

I took out a needle and my insulin pen and calculated how much i needed, i stabbed my arm with the tiny needle and finished in no time

"That looks hard" he pointed out as i put my things back in the bag and gave it to him "do you do this everyday?"

"4 times a day everyday for the pass 11 years" i admit while looking at the restroom mirror, i still can't recognize the girl behind it

"Damn, that sucks" i nodded "what would happen if its always a high number? Or low number?"

"I would be dehydrated, need to urinate more often, blurry vision, if not treated often, blindness. can take a circulation and loose anything, including a toe or leg" he made a face

"Oh my God! You're living hell!" I smiled "and when its low?"

"Cant think, weak, no energy, blurry vision, pass out till i have some sugar in my system"

"Does it go away?" I shook

"They haven't found a cure yet" he nodded understanding "I wish it would go away"

"It will" i looked at him confused, he smirked "you'll see, just make sure you tell your master about you" agh... Master... I feel like a dog

'Ladies and gentlemen, the auction is about to begin, all Human Hunters should report backstage with their human, that is all' the announcement said

"Are you okay now? Are you gonna stop going to the restroom?" He asked

"I can't promise that, it takes awhile for the insulin to work"

"So... You're gonna go again?"

"Yep" i took a water bottle and opened it, i was still thirsty. He took it away from me "hey!"

"You can't go unless you have fluids in your system, lets not give you water for awhile until someone buys you" i frowned, that's dangerous to keep me dehydrated!

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