Chapter 11: Feed

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Mae's Pov

I hate her... she tried to kill me so many times and i'm not even sure why... she didn't even try to kill Jason, but if she did, i would be locked up for murdering her

Jason was my only happiness besides my family, and for some reason, she tried to bully him so she can bother me, he was bait and i was the fish...

I woke up, but i didn't open my eyes... my lips felt tingly, but not a bad kind, the nice kind... i felt something soft in my arms, i opened my eyes and saw my bear! My stuffed bear! How did he get here?? doesn't matter, i'm happy!

I sat up and thought for a moment... trying to remember the dream i had... it was dark, the clouds were scary, it was snowing on top of me, the side walk was covered in snow and i was holding a umbrella with my cute grey muttons... thats all i remembered

I grabbed a notebook from my backpack and wrote it down, it might be important later on, since someone had ask me if i had any dreams, i can't remember who asked me...

I put the notebook away and got ready... only one question... how did i change into these clothes? Ariana must've done it for me

I took a shower and relaxed in the bathtub with extra soothing bubbles, i looked at my knuckle's smooth skin, i had remembered breaking them while i was punching Melina, but i was too angry to notice... Louis must've gave me his blood... i smiled and held the hand with the other and brought it close to my chest

I heard a knock on the door "Mae?" Niall called "you have a guest" guest?

"I'll be there in a minute" i told him and rinsed off the bubbles on my body. i put on some yoga pants and a pink tank before going to the living room

I went over and saw Justin sitting on the couch with Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. Niall was nowhere to be found. Justin noticed me and stood up, i froze and scowled at him, he better not had brought her here

"Mae, come here" Louis ordered, i walked over and was placed on his lap, Justin looked at me guilty

"i'm sorry Mae, i didn't know Melina was like that.." I snorted

"No one did, people back at home treated her like an angel" when ever i told on her, no one would believe a 'sweet angel' like her would bully someone like me

"Well, either way, i'm still sorry... but everything's all fixed, so you don't have to deal with her" i raised my brow

"What you mean 'fixed'?"

"I snapped her neck" Louis admit, i looked at him surprised, he did? "i was not going to tolerate someone trying to kill you" i frowned and looked at Justin, so... she's really gone? huh, never thought i see the day...

"How can i make up for her behavior?" he asked me, i shook my head

"No, you didn't know she did all those things, you're not to blame" i told him "thank you for the apology, but you don't need to give it to me" i stood up and shook his hand "it was nice to meet you by the way, i'm sorry for my behavior back in the mall" he smiled brightly and looked at Louis

"I like her, she's not crazy like most girls"

"She has more then 20 songs of yours in her iPod" Louis admit, smirking, Justin looked at me surprised

"What a calm fan! Say Louis, can i have her as a pet? i'll offer you twice then what you offered" Louis pulled me away and hugged me from behind

"Sorry" he kissed my cheek "but she's mine" i blushed and looked at my feet

"Bummer, you're really lucky!" he walked out, Louis looked down at me and smiled warmly

"I really am..." I walked out his arms and faced him

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