Chapter 35: Bloated

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Mae's Pov

"Mae, we're here" Harry said while putting his car in park. I mumbled awake and looked out the window. the mall. we had just got out the hospital for a good check up on everything and now we're here

"Why the mall?" I yawned while rubbing my sleepy eye "aren't you scared that people might see us shopping for bigger clothes?" him and Niall shrugged

"Vampires don't care about gossip" Niall informed

"They don't?" I asked. that's hard to believe. Harry shook his head

"Not like humans, they don't know how to keep a secret" I scowled

"Hey..." they laughed and helped me out the car. I'm so not looking forward to seeing a bloated belly. it'll be like carrying a watermelon. gosh... I'm gonna look like my sister when she was prego, what would my family even think?

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked while looking through some clothes with me

"Just... how weird I'm gonna look" I sighed "I'm surprised that the baby grows faster in vampires then humans. it doesn't make sense. and you take 2 years to grow older, how does that work??" he laughed and handed me some large shirts

"I know it's complicated but what in this world makes sense?" he has a point "it's not something I can explain. maybe Niall knows" he looked up at Niall staring at the baby clothes "no Niall, we don't even know what the baby is yet" Niall rolled his eyes

"I know that" he looked at me "sorry, even I don't know the answer to that" I shook my head.


It was tough to hid the clothes I got, but I managed to throw them in my closet. I got things that made me look normal and still hide this bubble... I can see it already growing

"Boop!" I poked on Louis's nose and ran off while he was watching tv in his room. he caught me and did a raspberry on my neck "nuuu!" I laughed

"Don't 'boop' my nose!" he glared in a playful way. I stuck out my tongue out. he gave it a quick peck. I cupped my mouth surprised

"You're not the boss of me!" I said stubbornly with blushing. he held the side of my stomach and paused. I jumped away and faced my back towards him

"Are you gaining weight?" Heat overcame my face


"Mae, you're not like us. maybe eating like you do now can actually effect you" I laughed nervously and looked at him

"Yeah, why would you date a fat vampire anyways?" I said it as a joke, but he didn't take it as one

"You want me to get Liam and make you do laps?" I flinched

"No!" I don't wanna!

"Then stop eating so much" I can't help it "it's a good thing you have those clothes on. I would've never saw it" he chuckled. I blushed more and held my belly


"If you don't eat as much, I'll let you eat all you want on your birthday"

"But that's two days away!" I whined. I know he can't exactly make me stop eating. Harry and Liam put snacks in my dresser just in case I'm hungry during the night

"I know" he held my sides. my face nearly exploded. I don't know why I'm always blushing, we've been together for about half a year "and I'm going to make it the best one you ever had" I smiled and looked down at my belly. I feel kinda happy that he's holding me like this, I feel like we'll actually be a family

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