Chapter 19: Hybrid?

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Louis's Pov

My heart sank, everything in my body had been telling me to cry... "why..." I sobbed, still keeping a stern look on my face "why would you do that to her..." Niall frowned and looked down

"She died Lou..." I gasped and dropped him, making him fall, he didn't get up "8th grade... she died in her sleep, and... I couldn't let that happen" tears just fell out my eyes

"S-she died..?" he nodded


"What were you doing then, with her?" Liam asked

"I was on my vacation, and Harry told me about Mae, I wanted to meet her so I did, but she was in a depression state... hardly ate and always faked smiled, hiding her feelings"

"Depression state?" I frowned, she was depressed?

"Yes... I compelled her friend to tell me about her, she was just in a phase, and the night she died, I went into her room, since I couldn't hear her heartbeat from outside, I gave her my blood..." Ariana slapped him

"You idiot! you know when someone dies and has our blood in them that they start to change!" she cried, Niall didn't look up

"I know... I only gave her a tiny bit, but I knew how much she meant to Lou... He couldn't have find out about her death and wanting to kill himself for not protecting her..." I bit my lips hard and squeezed on my fist, streaming out blood out of both of them...

"By hybrid... you mean..." Zayn asked

"She's only half vampire and human, she doesn't get periods, she gets phases of vampire behavior... I pulled up some murder cases-"

"Murder?!" I shouted, cutting him off shocked

"Yeah... through this phase, her personality changes and she kills like vampires do"

"But she should be weak since there's no vampires around her" Liam frowned

"True, but... Hybrids are different, she's still human and has the strength of a vampire, she can have power without us around, but Fran is a vampire, so that means she's stronger right now"

"Will she kill him?" Ariana asked

"Maybe, but he's demon to, he can catch her in his shadows and just rip her head off" my heart dropped, I didn't want to hear this anymore...

"So... this comes only once a month?" Zayn asked "she's been here for that long..." that's right, it's been about that long, maybe even longer

"Where do we look..?" I sniffled, calming down. Ariana hugged me for comfort, I hugged her back

"We don't know... She could be anywhere, even hell" I groaned and laid on the couch, why... why can't I just protect her..?

"Why is she a hybrid? why didn't you just turn her into a full vampire and bring her here?" Harry asked, Niall made a face

"Are you mad? turning someone full vampire in one shot is extremely dangerous, she would suffer" I flinched

"Doesn't matter now, we need to look, I don't care how long it'll take" I looked out the window "I'm going to find that witch that turned Fran to a demon..." I ran out

Fran's Pov

She just keeps laughing... "why are you laughing?!" I keep stabbing the doll, but it wasn't affecting, I just don't understand

The cell was open behind me, she ran out in high speed pass me... what the hell!?

I could hear her laugh echoes through my castle, I followed the sound "you really are dumb, aren't you?" she giggled, I scowled and ran to look for her

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