Chapter 38: Last

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Fer's Pov

I looked up in satisfaction at how well I repaired Fran and my home. it went from a dump to back to it was before we abandoned it

I felt lightheaded but ignored it and faced Fran looking up at the place "it's finally done" he smiled and looked at me "after 5 months"

"If I didn't have magic, it would've took about 2 years or longer" he nodded in agreement. we walked into our home and picked out our rooms. When we were little, we always shared a room

I sat in the living room and held my head, I already know why I'm feeling this bad. Paloma appeared in front of me, I didn't look at her

"Well hello son" she smiled. I slowly looked up, I felt dizzier and looked back down. she sat next to me "are you feeling okay?"

"I think I used up all my magic" I admit, I couldn't seem to stay still, everything was moving

"No, you still have some magic in you, it's important for you to not use it up, let it go away on it's own"

"Why do I feel so bad..?" She cupped my cheeks

"You had magic in you for so long, it's suppose to be gone by now, but you used Mae's blood to keep it longer..." she frowned "do not use anymore magic. now that it's leaving your body, it's going to take your energy too. magic is suppose to be born, not made. I gave you those genetics, and now it's leaving you" I frowned and looked down

"So... I'll be full vampire again?" she nodded "I will no longer be able to do all those things I love to do... like teleporting, fly and walking through walls..."

"Right, but you can always make potions, it doesn't always require magic. you can still have bits of it from that" I nodded and struggled to stand, she levitated me to stand

"Thanks..." I wanted to sleep... Fran came into the room

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked. Paloma looked at him

"He's loosing his magic" he raised his brows "I need you to watch him for a week so he won't use any magic" he nodded

"Will his magic be gone by a week?"

"Yes, if he rest, it won't draw his energy like it's doing to him now" Fran looked at me

"Why didn't you tell me this would happen?" I shook my head, I ended up falling before he caught me "stupid Fer..." he carried me bridal style

"Put me down... this is embarrassing" I whined, I'm too big for this! He chuckled and laid me on my bed

"Shut up, you never told me using up your magic would cause you to act like this, I wouldn't have let you do it"

"I know, but I just wanted to have everything back to the way it was... You have everything you needed to learn, we have our home-"

"I could had waited, now look what happens" he pointed his hand at me "I'm not going to fucking loose you because you wanted to help me" his eyes were turning red, he was holding in his tears...

"Fran" I sighed "I'll be fine, as long as I don't leave this bed and not use magic" he nodded and hugged me. I weakly hugged him back

"I'll never forgive you if you leave me..." he sobbed. I smiled

"I never left you Fran, I'm not starting now" he nodded and stood up, looking at Paloma walking in

"I'll fix up the house more, so that you won't have to worry" she said. I smiled

"Thank you ma" Fran had been taking care me for about a week now, I can feel my body recovering already. but Paloma said not to get off the bed till tomorrow, so I'm just here, looking at Fran texting on his phone on my chair across my room. I raised a brow at him smiling at his screen

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