Chapter 20: Shadow World

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Louis's Pov

We jumped through the hole, I was surrounded by blackness and nothing more, I could only see my own self "there" she pointed with her long wrinkly finger, at a dot of light, the dot soon became bigger and I ended up on my butt

"What the hell?! you should've told me we were going to land!" I shouted at her, then looked around this spooky castle, it kinda looked like the ones people see on scooby doo

"Well, I did tell you 'there' didn't i? you should've opened that big head of yours and had common sense" she smart talked me, I hissed and stood up

"Whatever, where are they?" I looked around, there was a bunch of crashed mirrors near the corner, what happened there?

"'They' isn't here" she said, I looked at her funny

"Excuse me? I told y-"

"He's in the main room" she cut me off, I groaned and walked off to the main room and heard a window crash, I ran over and saw Fran in a pool of blood, with heavy eyes and leaning on the wall lifelessly, he was still alive though

I stared at the blood, it came from his neck. I ran over and grabbed him from his collar, scowling at him, he didn't look at me "where is she?!" he blinked once

"She left" I slammed him against the wall and brought him back to my face

"Where?!" I expected his fang bites to heal, but they remained in their place

"I dont" he inhaled "fucking know" I threw him across the room angrily

"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't kill you again!! Right here, right now!!" I shouted, he sighed and stood up, his marks were gone now, he rubbed his neck achingly

"What the hell..?" he groaned and looked at me "what the hell is your girlfriend?! she's been a pain in the ass all day!" my eye twitch

"What did she do..?" I asked nervously, he looked at the broken window near us

"She kept taunting me... And running around like... like a vampire!" I squeezed my eyes shut and looked down, my poor Mae... a vampire... not only a vampire... a hybrid, half a fucking human and vampire!

"Yeah well, Niall turned her into a hybrid..." I admit, calmly

"A-" I heard that he started to giggle, I looked up angrily "a hybrid!? no fucking wonder!" he laughed, I ran over and grabbed his neck, slamming him on the floor like he was a basketball, he continued to laugh. I sighed and looked up, still holding his laughing ass

"Witch" I called "when I kill him, he better stay dead, or else, I will kill you..." I looked at her and growled "I don't care if you are like a grandmother to me, revive him and I'll kill you without looking back" she showed no sign of fear, witches don't usually fear anything

"You have my word..." she bowed her head, I smirked and held Fran up high, he calmed his giggled and looked at me in stern

"Go ahead, kill me" he snorted "but how will you get back without your friend here?" he broke my arm and ran over to the witch, I groaned at the pain and snapped my bone back in it's place

Fran was behind her, with his arm around her neck "you can't leave the shadow world without a demon or witch, if you kill me, you'll kill her, and where's your way back now?" he was being smart with me!

"You dumbass! you know what happens when you kill a witch for no reason!?" I shouted "I had my reason, but you're just going to do it to get rid of her presents, don't be-"

"A life long curse is what I'll get, seriously Louis, I'm a demon, what's worse then being a demon" he had both hands on the side of her jaw, my eyes widened, the old bag didn't even fight back!

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