Chapter 34: Five Seconds Of Summer

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Mae's Pov

Jason, Mason, Mat, and Lucas ran up on stage while wearing sunglasses

"What are they doing?" I asked

"Performing" Louis said. I looked at him confused "its a thing with vampires sometimes. they let their pets sing one time or maybe even more. humans are talented, but they can never get famous"

"Oh yeah" I looked up at Jason setting his mic "why do they have glasses?"

"That's a stupid question" Fran said "I don't know if you noticed, but these are kidnapped boys. the human world will recognize them"

"So they wear sunglasses at night?"

"Yep, it's brighter then you think up there" Louis said. I nodded and stared at Jason's bright smile, holding a guitar and facing a mic

"This boy never mentioned he can play a electric guitar" I mumbled, giggling

"How you doin?" Jason smirked. I see a few human girls squealing, if they only knew about him. Mason jumped into some drums, Mat grabbed a guitar, and Lucas grabbed a bass guitar "it's wonderful to have you all see us perform. We never thought we get a chance to do this... Ever" he laughed "but I met these guys not so long ago and we became friends in under 5 seconds. We are five seconds of summer and we would like to sing a song we wrote together for Nialls special day, hope you like it!" Everyone cheered, I clapped and climbed on Louis's back for a better view. he laughed and let me

Jason and his friends were amazing... I knew he could sing but not this good! The song finished and I just started crying

"Are you crying?" Fer asked. Louis put me down and held my cheeks

"You okay?" I smiled and cupped my eyes

"I'm just so happy for Jason, I never knew he was so talented" he laughed and messed up my hair

"Silly" he giggled. Fran glanced at us and rolled his eyes while sharing a cotton candy with Ariana "where you wanna go?" I thought for a moment

"How about a slow ride" he smiled and held my hand, walking away off. I looked back at Jason and waved. then at Niall and waved

'Be careful' he mouth. I nodded and caught up faster, next to Louis. our time here had been a blast, but I kept throwing mental hissy fits because I couldn't go on the ride... damn

"You sure you don't wanna go on a roller coaster?" Louis asked while leaning on a low fence on the side of a bridge, next to my friends, facing the grand castle

"Yes, I don't like roller coasters" I lied. I actually love them... Louis nods

"You're missing out" I nodded

"I know..." I sighed and felt Fer pet my head. I nodded at his message and faced Louis looking at the castle "Louis, there's something I-" I had a need to tell him what's wrong with me, but before I could finish my sentence, fireworks shot the sky and spread beautiful colors. I got distracted and didn't want to take my eyes away... so many fireworks...

"What were you gonna say?" Louis asked, holding both my sides. I continued to watch the fireworks, but smiled at his touch

"I was gonna say..." there was a firework that was shaped as Micky Mouse. whoa! how they do that?! "that had a wonderful time being with you here" I smiled at him, deciding to tell him another time. I want to enjoy this moment

He looked into my eyes and gave a wide smile "I love you Mae" I smiled and kissed him passionately

"I love you too"

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