Chapter 30: Check up

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Mae's Pov

We were taken back home, I tried climbing out of Fers arms but he wouldn't let me down

"I'm fine Fer, I can walk"

"No, you can't" he said while walking to the front door, Zayn just looked away the whole time

"Why not?" I asked confused

"You just can't, now" he looked at Zayn "where is Nialls infirmary?" infirmary?

"First floor, second hallway, door with the sign in the front, it's big, you can't miss it" Fer nodded

"You better go inside" I hissed at Zayn, what is wrong with me?? "please" I said more calmly. he pet my head

"I will.." he forced a smile "I'm sorry for scaring you all" I nodded and appeared in the infirmary, Niall wasn't around. Fer put me down on the bed

"Wait here, I'm going to find Niall without Louis knowing" he walked out

"But wait!" he didn't come back "why doesn't he want Louis here?" my stomach started messing with me again. my eyes widened

I stood up and caught myself from falling... what the hell? I slowly walked to the bathroom and faced a body mirror on the wall.

My face was thin, my skin was more pale then usual, and my stomach... I lifted my shirt and turned to my side... no...

Louis's pov

"So what? we're just going to stand here and wait?" I asked after Fernando and Mae teleported to the beat down building

"Looks like it" Harry shrugged

"My brother is someone you can trust, you needn't worry" Fran said while looking away

"Maybe we can just tell them to come back home if they find Zayn. Louis?" Ariana asked, I looked away "don't tell me, you never gave Mae her phone back"

"I was alittle distracted" I admit


"Oh I don't know, kidnaps, turnings, concerts, her family, Sarah, Simon, the council, I don't know, something like that" I said sarcastically. she slapped my head, I hate when she does that...

"Don't get smart with me" she snarled and looked at Fran "do you have Fernando's number?" he nodded and took out his phone

"I'll tell him we'll go back" we nodded and ran back home, there was a car parked, near the door... guest?

I walked inside and saw Liam and Niall talking with Ian and Paul, Ian looked pissed... uh...

"Hey guys!" Harry greeted, The guys looked up, Paul made a face

"Hey... I thought you were dead" he said to Fran. Fran shrugged

"My twin brother revived me" paul blinked confused

"Pardon?" Ian groaned and moved him out the way

"Enough of this surprise shit, oh! but speaking of surprises, I heard that Mae is a vampire! a vampire, Louis! what were you and Niall thinking!" he waved his arms angrily

"About that..." I rubbed my neck

"I didn't sell her to you so you can do this to her!"

"Does it matter? you didn't know if I was going to make her a slave or a pet"

"That, I didn't care-"

"Of course you cared" Paul cut him off

"Shut up Paul!" Ian snapped and looked back at me, walking closer "fine! I did care where she ended up, but you and Niall turned her into the worse thing a human can be! a monster! did the council kill her? you better not tell me they killed her! if she's dead, I'm going to make you feel the same pain she did!" I raised my hands

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