Chapter 14: Paint

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Harry was giving me a piggy back ride to my room, apparently there was a surprise for me waiting there...

I was blind folded so i have no idea what i was looking at, i was put down gently and took the blind fold off, Louis was on the floor near a whole bunch of card board boxes, "thanks Harry" Louis smiled

"See you in dinner love birds!" he winked and walked out, i blushed and joined Louis on the floor

"What's up?" he looked at some of the boxes and gave me a rectangular one that would fit a couple of picture frames... i wonder what's in them

"Sorry i didn't wrap them, i was too excited to get you this" he smiled.

"It's not my birthday till September"

"Don't care, open them" i giggled and took out what ever was in the box, canvases? i smiled brightly at him. i really love getting these kinds of things!

"Oh my goodness!" i giggled excitedly, he chuckled and gave me another box, i excitedly opened it and saw large tubes of acrylic paint, in every color!

He gave me other boxes of brushes, pencils, sketch books, and a small box of gorgeous mineral crystals, i attacked Louis in a big hug and hugged him tightly, i love getting these kinds of presents!

"Thank you! thank you!" i giggled, he chuckled and kissed my lips while grabbing my waist to pull me on top of him on the floor and continued kissing me, and i let him. he let go and smiled

"Anything to make you smile" he picked me up to my bed and climbed on top of me, beginning to kiss me again, i wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed the kisses he gave me... his lips were so soft...

He took my arms and pinned them over my head while he lowered down to lick on my neck, i softly moaned at him gentle touch... "L-Louis..." i let out a moan without command, this was... different

He groaned and deepened his kisses on my neck, my breath thickened, i began to feel hot... he leaned away and took off his shirt, i stared at his body stretching and came back to mine to kiss me again, it's so hot in here...

His hands traveled to the back of my shirt and tugged on my bra, a struck of electricity hit me in my head, i pushed him off and held it in pain, what was that sudden pain..?

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern, the pain vanished

"I-I don't know..." I admit, that never happened before... "Probably nothing" i felt the spark of pain on my hip bone "ow!" I held it confused

"What is it?"

"I had flashes of pain suddenly appearing" i felt one on my back "ow!" I jumped and went to his arms "is there a bug here??" We got off the bed and he looked at my back

"No bug bites..." He looked at the bed and undid the covers "nothing..." I was confused... I had a sudden flash of a boy smirking down at me with fangs... He looked familiar... "You okay?" Louis asked me, i nodded and thought it was just nothing

"I'm fine..." I felt a bit dizzy after that, everything in the room was spinning, i collapse into Louis's arms, feeling light headed, its like someone just shook the life out of me...

"Mae!" He frowned and sat me on the floor with my head on his chest "what's wrong?" I shook my head, but that only made me more dizzy, the room was spinning again, i stood up and ran to the bathroom to throw up... What is wrong with me..?

Louis held my hair back until i was done... I'm so dizzy... I think the spinning stopped "let's get you to Niall..." He carried me bridal style to the other side of the mansion, i stared at him the whole time while trying to avoid my headache

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