Chapter 24: Family

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Louis's Pov

I placed Mae on my back after I had looked up Austin from the location we were in now, Dallas

"Hold on" I said

"I think I can try now" I looked behind my shoulder

"Not in those shoes"

"I'll take them off"

"A princess doesn't walk without shoes" I chucked she nodded and held onto me tight. I ran all the way to her home and placed her down. she gasped while cutting her mouth

"I'm really here..." she smiled, I could feel my vampire strength dropping down, but I'm sure that won't be a problem

"Let's ring the door bell" she nodded and rushed over, but fell in place because of her shoes stopping her from using her super speed. I lifted her up and brushed off the dust off her dress

"Ow.." she whined and looked at her scraped knee, it begun to heal automatically "cool" she giggled. I smiled and held her hand

"Be careful, you're still new at this, don't rush yourself" she nodded and walked up the steps to her home. I haven't been here in years, well... I never been in the front, just the back

She took a deep breath and rang the door bell "I hope they don't cry too much" she said

"No, Ian compelled them so they won't freak out and call the cops" she looked at me shocked "they'll miss you! I'm sure! You can't compel away feelings" she sighed in relief and nodded. The front door opened to a middle aged Hispanic woman who had a apron on with flour, she gasped once she saw Mae, Mae started crying

"Mum..." Mae cried, did she get a ascent?

"Ay mija!" Her mom opened her arms and hugged Mae tightly "where have you been? Why haven't you called??" Mae glanced at me, yeah... I took her phone away, I forgot about that

"Oh, I broke it" she lied. her mom glanced at me

"Who's this handsome young man?" She doesn't know me? Oh yeah, parents don't know of one direction unless their kids listen to them, Mae wasn't a fan. I waved at her mom

"My um... boyfriend" Mae said shyly, I smiled and offered my hand

"It's nice to meet you, ma'am" she shook my hand and covered her lips

"He's cute mija" she whispered to Mae, she giggled and nodded

"I know" my cheeks felt hot

"Come in! Your dad and sister are in here!" Mae gasped

"Really?!" She grabbed my hand and tugged me in. It's such a homey place, small, but nice. there was a man with a beard on the couch, watching tv and a girl in the kitchen that was about 23 years old, a 4 year old was tugging on her shirt

"Hey!!!!" Mae shouted happily, my ears nearly blew off. Her family looked up and attacked hugged her

"Oh my gosh!" Her sister was kissing her face like crazy, Mae pushed her off

"Get off me!" She laughed

"I miss you! Where you been?!" Mae looked around

"Out" she nervously laughed. her dad eyed me, I gulped. her sister glanced at me too and gasped

"Hey... you're from..."

"Yeah..." I nervously laughed and shook her hand "I'm Louis"

"Hi Louis! I'm Vanessa, and this is my daughter Patricia" I looked down at her daughter that was hiding behind her back, I kneeled down to her height and offered my hand, she just stared at it.

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