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Jisoo's P.O.V

The bell rings, indicating that school is over. Mr Yoo releases the class after giving us math homework. I keep my books in my back and head out of the classroom. I went to my locker, to get my other books. "Jisoo!" - I heard someone called. I turn, it was Rion hyung. We are in the same school but Rion hyung is my senior.

"Oh hey hyung." - I said, smiling.

"You going to the singing event?" - Rion hyung asked.

"No. You, hyung?"

"Yeah. I'm a participant." - Rion hyung said, smiling.

"Woah. What's the prize you'll get if you get first place?" - I asked.

"$1000 cheque. That's why I wanna join. I wanna buy dinner for my parents." - Rion hyung explained.

"I see. Good luck hyung." - I said, cheering for him. Then, he left. I close my locker door, turning around.

"Hi, Jisoo." - a lady said. My lips curve into a smile.

"Hi, Kaylia." - I greeted her back. She's my classmate.

"You're going home?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm going to the singing event." - Kaylia said, smiling.

"Oh. Are you participating?" - I asked. She shook her head with a small laugh.

"No. I'm just supporting one of my friends." - she explained.

"I see. Umm... I'll get going then. See you tomorrow." - I said, giving her a bow. She bows back with a nod. We walk past each other, going to where we are heading. No lie, I am crushing on Kaylia. She's pretty. Like, very pretty. That long brown hair, with that sweet smile and lovely eyes. I smile to myself, getting in the car.

"Sir Jisoo?" - Hed samchun called.


"Are you okay? You're smiling like an idiot." - Hed samchun said. I laugh.

"I'm okay."


The next day...

I walk in my classroom and sit on my usual seat. I put my bag on my table. I heard a familiar laugh. The laugh that gives me butterflies by just hearing it. I smile to myself, looking to where the laugh came. Kaylia laughing with her friends, who are sitting 4 tables away from me. "Dude!" - Jaebum, my best friend called.

"Hey." - I said, handing my hand our for him to do our handshake. He sits down, across me.

"You didn't go to the singing event yesterday?" - he asked. I shook my head.

"Had other things to do. How was it?"

"It was lit. Didn't know our school had so many good singers. Why didn't you join? You got a great voice." - Jaebum said.

"Meh. I could do something better." - I said.

"Dude, did you know Kaylia was there yesterday?" - Jaebum whispered.

I nod. "She told me."

Jaebum gave me a smirk. "What?"

"She told you?" - Jaebum asked, still with the smirk. I nod.

"I kinda bumped into her before going home." - I explained. The smirk Jaebum has didn't leave his face at all.

"How did that talk went?"


"Dude. I'm disappointed." - he said, turning around, resting his chin on his hand. (a/n: reminds me of irene)

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