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Jisoo's P.O.V

The same night...

Our food arrives and we start digging in. "You're still in YG?" - i asked.

Cha Hana shook her head. "I left, a month ago." - she said.

I widened my eyes. "Seriously? Wow. Why?"

She shrug. "Lowkey don't feel safe in that company." - she said.

"Planning to go a different company then?" - i asked. She shrug.

"I'm still thinking. I should be able to debut at this age but I don't know if I wanna go to a different company." - Hana explained.

"How about you? When's your debut?" - Hana asked.

"I left too." - i said, laughing.

"Heol. Why and when?"

"A few weeks ago. I'm more interested in my eomma's business." - I explained.

"So what are you doing as of now?" - I asked.

"I work part time at Grey's Barista. Don't know if you know that Barista." - she said. Oh...   

"Ahh i know. My favourite barista to be honest." - i said, smiling.

"For how long now?"

"2 weeks? Yeah. Still very new." - Hana said.

"So I assume you're learning about your eomma's business?" - she said. I nod with a small laugh.

"Oh wait. Your sister is FalLive's Junghye right?" - she asked.

"Yeah." - i said, smiling and proud.

"Oh my god. Congratulations to her. I love the whole mini album." - she said, smiling widely.

"I'll let her know. The whole mini album is just so good." - I said, agreeing.

Ji Sae's P.O.V


I put my hands in my jacket walking down the streets. Just needed some fresh air, that's why i decide to walk around. It's pretty crowded, maybe because it's lunch time. Updates on Junghye, she's doing well. And big good news, FalLive have received their 3rd win already. So proud of my girls! They are getting very busy each day. Busy means, success. They went on a few variety shows. Jungkook, Jisoo and I, will always watch them.

They're making a US debut showcase in 2 months. I'm excited for that and quite nervous for them. But I do know my girls will kill it. They will slay those stages for sure. Without me realising, I bumped onto someone. I frown, looking at the person. "So sorry. Didn't mean to." - the lady said, bowing.

"Oh?" - she suddenly said.

"You look like someone I know." - she added. I raised my eyebrows.

"Do I even know you?" - i asked.

"Jis?" - she said.

I widened my eyes. "If you know Jis, means are you my ex classmate?" - I asked. Only my ex classmates calls me Jis.

"Yeah. Kim Ji Sae, Jis, right?" - she asked, smiling widely.

"Yeahh... and who are you?" - i asked.

"Yura, Pyo Yura." - she introduced herself.

"Yuraaaa...." - i said to myself, trying to remember.

"Yura?" - i asked, still not knowing who she is.

"I'm the quietest girl in class! Remember? And you made a nickname for me too." - she explained. It's difficult to have a goldfish brain like me. Hm... Yura laughs.

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