Unknow FriendShips

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Shuichi's point of view

    Why don't we start from child hood friends and make our way up from there! Said Aoi. Kyoko nodded.  Well the only people I now of that were child hood friends were Shuichi, Kokichi, and Rantaro."  "Well maybe that's because I'm his mother..." she said.  "That's and odd pair." Maki said.  "No it's not considering Who there parents were." I said to her. "Me and Rantaro's parents?" Kokichi looked to be listening to me with curiosity. "No, Your parents...". The room was quiet for at least thirty seconds. "No. Way." Kokichi said looking at me, then back at Lyoko. She only nodded at him. "Huh...who's my parents." "Well from my memory two guys named Hajime and Komaeda?" I said looking over to my mother to check. She nodded. "I have two dads!" He said jumping up excited. "That explains why you act like a gay clown." Maki said to him.
Our laughing could be heard through out the halls.  After we settled down Komaru interrupted before we could continue. "Wait what about our Daughter!" Kyoko looked over to them, "Sorry I forgot about her....". She looked back at us.  "Kaede as well."  Kokichi started snickering but then it turned into just laughing. "Wait Saihara...didn't you...like Akamatsu?" He said between laughs. "Um...no...well kinda.. idunno." I wanna die..  "Isn't that like unknowing incest???" "Well you had mix feeling about Akamatsu so kinda." Miu said. "Welcome to the crew Saihara."Korekiyo said to me.  Everyone laughed again. 

"Well most of you meet in of you met in Junior high. You were all happy and great kids. But as you went into middle school a lot of you pulled away.  A great example is Kaito.  You were great friends with all of us." "But over time you started the change a lot, Kaede too." I interrupted her. "in fact you were known for beating up kids... Especially Ouma and...Harukawa."  "What?!?" Maki and Kokichi said in union.  "Are you sure you're talking about the right person???" Kaito said to me, looking desperate and shame.  "K-kaito...its okay...your a better person and we love you.......well Maki does but Kokichi is a jerk sooo" he giggled a bit but his eyes are still watery.  I have only see Kaito cry a few times...it's still an awful sight. I was surprised when I looked back that Maki and Kokichi were quiet as a mouse. "i-I'm confused?" Maki said," Yeah you lost me." Kokichi said. "We will get to personality in a bit," Byakuya said to us. They just went along with it.

The friends that stayed friends and about the same where...Himiko, Maki, and Shuichi."Aoi said with "Nishishi what a coincidence" Kokichi said. "Honestly knowing Tsumugi, it probably isn't." Aoi said. "Well Kokichi you stayed with the same friends just everyone's else personality changed." I said to him. "ohhhh who were they?" "From my memory, Miu and Kiibo...oh and sometimes Rantaro." he nodded in response. "Actually all six of us usually hug out. But it was mostly like that."

Let's move on, you're going to meet your parents soon but Korekiyo and Ryoma I am afraid don't have parents that are alive or that we know of. " It's okay I don't think I could look at another family member again..." We laughed a bit at him.

"Well I do remember Yumeno always dragging Chabashira around. Always try to make her a better person..."I said.  "Nyeh? Isn't it the other way around?"  "No it's not..things were very different before the virtual reality..."
"I also remember Harukawa always dragging Akamatsu along just like Himiko, trying to make her a better person. Well Unlike Chabashira, Akamatsu did become a bit better...". Maki turned to me. "Okay explain personality because this is not making any sense." I nodded at her. 

Well, you were always a happy person.  Always smiling and laughing.  But the one thing that stood out from you was the bruises and cuts that were cover by Bandages.  But no matter what you were always a happy person and encouraged everyone you meet.  But the things that made you more likable were the things you did for Ouma.  You took so many hits for him, literally.  But no matter what you always made sure he was okay, you treated him like a brother..." I said.  "W-what? I would never.  I-I-I um...I don't remember anything so maybe..I-" I could tell Maki was very confused but I just continued. "Well Kokichi you were always shy and sensitive.  One wrong move and you would be in tears. This made you an easy target for bullies. As much as Harukawa tried to prevent it you were still beaten up very often.  You had almost the same amount of bruises and cuts although Harukawa would not let you ignore them, so she would make sure to treat both your wounds at the end of the day. It's a shame where your relationship is at now..."  the pair took a minute just staring at each other. Although Maki looked away and soon after so did Kokichi.  "So what im getting from this..." Maki started, "everything about us were opposite before we entered the killing game." I nodded.  "Nyeh??? So I was...active and expressive?" Himiko asked. Before I could respond I was interrupted. "Wait Gonta no gentle men? Gonta bad man?" "Wait was I against cult it something?" "Was I INNOCENT??? "Yeah..you guys got it" I responded. "Wait what was I like? Kiibo asked me. "Well you were the same mostly but more sarcastic and protective and Human." Kiibo nodded.  "Well is there anything else?" Miu asked. "Yes definitely let's talk about Siblings,


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