Chapter 19: The first match

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~Vega's PoV~

"I guess it's time to open the scrolls" I said, a bit concerned.

We opened the scrolls but we were tense about that. Soon Iruka was summoned by the scrolls.

"Hi! It's been a long time"

We were shocked about this.

"At the end of this second exam, we chunin are to welcome the test takers. Everyone... congratulations on surviving the second exam" Iruka said grinning.

Then Sakura asked about the letters on the inscription. Iruka explained us that they are chunin instructions that the hokage recorded. Basically heaven refers to the human head and earth refers to the human body.

Soon we proceeded to the next room. It was a big arena with the hokage standing in front of us and the senseis behind him, while the other squads were put in lines of three and noticing the rookies I was really happy that all them have passed this exam.

After the hokage explained about the true purpose of this exam, Hayate Gekko, the judge that coughed really often stepped in.

"This is a preliminary to the third exam, since the first and second exams were too easy and there are too many people left. Therefore, those of you not in top physical condition and wish to drop out, please speak up now"

I then noticed that Sasuke put a hand on his shoulder in pain.

"Sasuke, you should quit these preliminaries!" Sakura told him, worried. "Please... please, quit! I'm scared..."

Then they started 'arguing' quietly. Soon Kabuto raised his and and dropped out of the preliminaries. Naruto asked why and he replied that his body was strained out after the exams.

"Now then, we will begin the preliminaries. Let's get right down to it and announce the two names for the first battle" Hayate said calmly.

I hope for my team to rest a bit...

The screen then showed up the two opponents.

Yuina Inugami vs Vega

As I said...

"The ones whose names appeared on the signboard, step forward, the others can move to the upper area" Hayate explained.

"Good luck, Vega! Wipe her out!" Naruto grinned giving me a thumbs up.

"Hn" Sasuke well... hn'ed.

"Good luck!" Sakura said.

My opponent was a girl with long silver hair and a scar on her closed right eye. Her eyes, well, eye was green just like mine and she wore a black vest with white pants. She also wore a necklace with a fang on it. She also have a katana on her back.

"You have no chance against me but still good luck, I hope we have a fun match!" Yuina said with a canine grin and getting a fighting stance.

Uh, I think this will be a hard match. Also she seems more gentle than she looks.

"Thanks, same goes for you" I smiled.

"Now begin"

~~~Warning: bad written fighting scene ahead~~~

As Hayate told us to begin I threw some shuriken at Yuina but she deviated them with her katana.

Since she was using a sword, I'll use a sword too.

"Lightning style: lightning blade!"

I made a blade of lightning appear on my hand and clashed with her katana. She was slightly stronger than I am so she pushed me back and threw me a punch, luckily I could barely block it.

"Earth style: earth wolves!"

She created some earth wolves that bit me on my right leg and left arm leaving cuts and that was painful. I felt a burning sensation coming from the bites and the cuts.

Then I remembered the element compatibility, I could destroy Yuina's earth wolves with lightning.

I threw some kunais at her and made some handsigns.

"Lightning style: thunderdogs!"

I summoned various dogs made of lightning that bit off my opponent's wolves making them crumble.

Then they followed Yuina that was planning on dodging the kunais, started screaming while the lightning was rippling trough her body.

"How dare you destroy my family!" She yelled as the lightning stopped.


She glared at me and started making handsigns at an impossibly fast rate.

"Wolf style!"

She opened her scarred eye revealing a purple eye, her teeth grew into fangs and her nails to claws. She has now a feral appearance.

She suddenly appeared in front of me and before I noticed she punched me in the gut causing me to hit a wall. I coughed up some blood.

"You have no chance agains my kekkei genkai, girl. It raises my speed, strength and reflexes" she said with a canine grin.

"Earth style: rock pillars!"

As soon as I stood up, earth pillars crushed my hurt leg and I could hear cracks coming from there. The pain was absolutely excruciating. I tried to not scream in pain as my leg was being crushed.

"Vega!" I heard Naruto and Sakura yelling my name with worry in their voices.

I then stood up standing my weight on my left leg. Thinking about the hokage giving me the permission to use my magic, I put my hand on my leg and instantly curing it.

Soon she made some other handsigns, surprised that I cured myself.

"Lightning style: lighting wolves!"

As soon as her wolves reached me I ate the heating source from the lightning leaving nothing to hit me.

"Ahh, now that I'm full, I'm all fired up!" I said (Natsu...) preparing an attack.

Since I've eaten a heat source, or natural element, my strength and speed are risen up.

"Let's settle this! Celestial dragon's wing slash!"

A white magic circle appeared around my arms and plasma was accumulating around them before hitting her straight in her face, causing Yuina to hit a wall making a hole in it.

She didn't get up for a while.

In the arena, it remained silent for a while and everyone staring at me before Hayate announced my victory.

"T-the winner is Vega!" Hayate announced shocked.

"Ugh..." Yuina said getting up. "Nice match Vega, I didn't think you would win against my kekkei genkai haha"

"For a moment I thought I would lose" I commented.

We shook hands before me going on the balconies. Rigel jumped between my arms.

"Nice job Vega! You beat her up!" Naruto said grinning.

"How is your leg?" Sakura asked worried.

"Ah, it's okay, I healed it up"

"By the way Vega, what was that?"


Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter! If you liked it, don't forget to follow, vote and comment, I'd really appreciate it! This being said, see you in the next chapter, cheers,


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