Chapter 35: Summoning battle!

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~Vega's PoV~

"N-Naruto...!" I said hardly.

"You... even after you received that jutsu...?!" Tsunade said, shocked.

Kabuto started explaining how he saved himself, and why Orochimaru wanted him as his subordinate before collapsing on the ground.

Wow... everyone is collapsing here...

I saw Tsunade trying to heal Naruto.

"It's all over... for Naruto. I... cut... his heart's chakra network which restores the strength... through the nine tail's chakra... with all my strength. In order to eliminate the possibility that he would heal with his own power. There's no way he can recover... even with you" Kabuto explained weakly.

"Shut up! I'll kill you later..."

I noticed Tsunade crying and muttering something like 'don't die' for a few times. I thought Naruto was dying until he grabbed Tsunade's necklace.

"The bet... I won it" Naruto muttered before passing out.

Soon, I noticed that Orochimaru was aiming at Naruto, a blade coming out from his mouth. That's until Tsunade went in front of Naruto to protect him and the snake's blade went trough her chest.

Then Orochimaru retreated his blade.

"Tsunade... you're the only one I wasn't going to kill... if that child lives, there will be trouble in the future on a variety of levels. Don't get in my way"

"This is one child... this is one child... I will absolutely protect!"

"Trembling at the sight of blood, why would you, one of the sannin, risk your life to protect that genin kid?"

"To protect... my hometown... the Leaf village...!"

"To protect the Leaf village...?" Tsunade turned her head back to see Naruto.

"Because... because... this small child... is the kid who will become hokage some day..."

"What utter nonsense... by the way... to hell with hokage! Only a fool does that job"

I remember Tsunade saying the same exact thing.

"And now, I also will put my life on the line!"

"If your life is worth throwing away for a kid like him...! Then dying would be a fitting end!" Orochimaru put out his sword from his mouth and slashed Tsunade.

Orochimaru walked towards Naruto and was ready to kill him, but Tsunade went in the way and protected Naruto, still trembling.

"Tsunade!" I yelled.

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune yelled too.

Orochimaru then kicked Tsunade and she fell on the side.

"No matter how cool you try to be, your trembling doesn't stop. You can't get away from the curse of hemophobia. And yet, why would you take the blows for that kid? Why would you battle for the Leaf?"

I soon realised that Tsunade's trembling stopped.

She conquered the fear of blood...? Great!

She stood up and kicked Orochimaru, and he went flying a few meters.

"That's because... I am... the Leaf village's... Fifth hokage!"

The purple mark on her forehead illuminated and black lines appeared on her face.

"What are you saying you'll do, after all this time? You can't fight with that wound even if you've conquered your fear"

The celestial ninja (Naruto x Fairy Tail crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum