Chapter 31: Sage mode training!

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Chapter dedicated to Superkids21 and his OC Draco

~Vega's PoV~

"Huh?! Okamio, You brought here another lazy ass to disturb my meditating?" The ninja said.

I grew a irk mark.

"I'm not a lazy ass, you dork!"

"Humph!" He crossed his arms and looked away.

"Draco! Be nice to the new student!"

"Humph" Draco scoffed.

"Now you two, rest and you Vega, your training starts tomorrow. You will be training with Draco for the sage mode. He's been here training for over three months now"


~Time skip~

We were now on a training building under a waterfall. I was amazed at the sight of the village from here.

"Now, Vega, I must explain something. You first have to gather natural energy, and to help you, this special water helps to gather the energy. I will eventually use this staff to remove the natural energy in case you absorb too much, since you could transform into a wolf. Oh, and you must stand still, otherwise it won't work. I explained this to Draco a while ago now but he still can't gather natural energy properly without the water"

So I started meditating with the special water on me then I noticed some fur coming out from my hands, my nails growing into claws and my pupils turning into slits. Okamio swung the staff with his paw (A/N Yeah, here, like the toads of Mt. Myoboku wolves have articulated fingers on their paws) on me lightly, and the somatic traits of the wolf disappeared.

"Humph... you aren't still able to control that natural energy as I do. Even if I still need that damn water to gather it" Draco scoffed.

"Yeah, and with that? I just started training a while ago" I retorted.

"You two! Stop arguing and concentrate on your training!" Okamio scolded rising slightly his voice.



~Time skip~

A week passed and now I'm able to gather natural energy without the water. And Draco got a considerably better attitude than before.

"Well, now, since you two finally mastered the gathering of natural energy without the special water, today we will proceed to learn gathering standing still. Follow me"

As we followed Okamio we went in a zone of the taiga's forest with tall pines with a spike top, and a huge mass of piled stone tablets.

"Now, get one of these tablets each, put it on a tree top and stay sit. Try to not fall. I will do this exercise with you. We developed this exercise and the previous one with the toads of Mt. Myoboku in order to help trainees to achieve sage mode"

Me and Draco got a tablet each, set them on a pine top and tried to stay sit. The first to fall was me and I heard Draco laugh.

"Is this the best you can do, Vega?" He laughed.

"S-shut up!" I yelled blushing slightly.

I think I'm starting to like him...

After a few seconds Draco fell face first on the ground and I laughed back at him.

"Ha! Take that!" I laughed.

"Shut up!" He yelled, I noticed a small blush on his face.

I noticed Okamio wolf smiling at us while we were getting up for another attempt.

~Time skip~

Another week passed and I'm finally able to gather the natural energy and to master sage mode, yay! The only disadvantage is that you have to stand still to gather the natural energy and create senjutsu chakra.

We were now at Okamio's house, he offered us some tea and the usual plate of raw meat that Okamio and his daughter, Okamizu likes to eat.

"Okamio, is that true that you can turn giant when summoned outside of Windrop Taiga?

"Yeah, I can decide to turn giant outside of Windrop, why?"

"Nothing, just curiosity" I smiled at him.

There were silence for a few minutes until Okamio decided to break it.

"Vega, there is something important I want to ask you for"


"I want you to become the jinchuriki of the eleven tails"

I noticed Draco's eyes widen. He probably knew what is he talking about.

"Jinchuriki? Eleven tails?"

"Yeah... Jinchūriki are people that have tailed beasts sealed within them. They exhibit extraordinary powers due to the immense chakra reserves they possess. The eleven tails, instead, is the biju wolf that we wolves at Windrop Taiga are hiding from Akatsuki and she needs a host. Since I noticed your prodigious skills and compatibility, I decided that you can be her Jinchuriki"

I know that tailed beasts are huge beings made out of chakra and each one has a set amount of tails variating from one to ten, but I never knew of an eleven tailed beast.

"What about her personality?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"Don't worry for her attitude, she is peaceful and kind, but just a bit stubborn"

"Is there something wrong that can happen during the sealing?"

"Not really, it will be all good. She wants to meet you soon too" Okamio smiled warmly at me.

"Alright then, I will be her jinchuriki"

~Time skip~

A week have passed since they sealed the biju inside me and I trained hard to summon the wolves, and to use sage mode.

My appearance in sage mode is my eyes from green turning blue, my pupils turning into slits and a blue sign appears around my eyes.

Me and Draco now are getting along very well. Also I learned to talk mentally with Midnight, the eleven tailed wolf sealed inside me.

Before my departure where Naruto and Jiraya were, I had to say goodbye to Okamio, his daughter and Draco.

"Goodbyes are sad, aren't they?"

"Yeah, you said so"

"I wish you good luck, Vega!" Okamio smiled.

"My daddy is right, good luck!" Okamizu said, noticing her voice was slightly sad at my departure.

"Yeah, but before you go..."

A blushing Draco, pushed his head and mine together, until our lips met. We were soon kissing.

I noticed Okamio and his daughter smiling at us. I blushed really hard since we were kissing in front of someone.

After a while, he pulled off the kiss, to my hidden disappointment.

"I hope to see you again" Draco kissed me again, on my forehead this time.

With that I disappeared with a poof of smoke and I found myself where Naruto and Jiraya were.


Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter! If you liked it, don't forget to follow, vote and comment, I'd really appreciate it! This being said, see you in the next chapter, cheers,


The celestial ninja (Naruto x Fairy Tail crossover)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat