Chapter 29: New jutsu

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~Vega's PoV~

After a while we started walking, Naruto stopped and asked Jiraya why they're after him. He replied that they want what is inside him.

Then we started walking again. But Naruto started to ask questions to Jiraya.

"The beautiful woman you want to 'research' on... that's this Tsunade person?"

"Whoa! That's sharp coming from you! And what about it?"

"She's part of the sannin thing like you, right, Pervy Sage?"

"Yes, and what of it?"

"How... old is she?"

"My age" Jiraya made a thumbs up.

"Heck, she's an old lady" Naruto muttered.

We continued to walk and talked about Tsunade, she was apparently called the legendary sitting duck and we talked how she has terrible luck and skill.

Then as the sannin said he's going to train him, he took out the green weird jumpsuit Gai gave him and Jiraya complained.

I wanted to laugh at that scene haha.

"Come on, Pervy Sage! Let's hurry up and start training!"

"Now now, don't get ahead of yourself... the training won't mean anything unless it's done in the process of gathering information on Tsunade"

"Huh? Gathering information...?"

"In this town"

We looked at the ravine and there was a small town, full of small markets and stands.

We went down, Jiraya said we will be staying here till the end of the festival.

As Naruto picked his full wallet, full of his saving trough our missions, Jiraya took his walled and talked about the three shinobi taboos, that were women, or men in girls case, booze and money. Naruto complained about it, while Jiraya told us that if we get lost, we can use his tracking summon toad to find him.

Well, I can just use my sense of smell.

After that, we visited lots of food stands, Naruto offered me something to eat. Then we played some games, since he ate the most food, so he was full like a sack of potatoes.

Naruto went to take three grilled squids, one for me, one for him and one for Jiraya sensei.

That's when we entered one of the 'stands' and found... Jiraya drinking booze with two women and with Naruto's wallet empty.

Naruto then leaped on the table and started arguing with his sensei.

"Repeat those three taboos again! You're breaking all three at once! You bastard"

"Naruto, calm down" I sweatdropped.

He didn't desist. He was arguing with Jiraya sensei, making the ladies go away, but the scene was overall funny.

Naruto was fake punching Jiraya with the grilled squids, until two men entered and one of the squids in his hands flew and stained one of the men's suit.

"Hey! Look what you did, you urchin!" Naruto looked back at them. "You stained leader's designer suit! You'll have to pay for it! Fork over 100,000 ryo!" The bald man said, angrily.

"What?! You're telling me that suit cost 100,000 ryo?!" A shocked Naruto said.

"Yeah, really, that's quite a stretch to say a dorky suit like that cost 100,000 ryo" an unfazed Jiraya said.

The bald man said that the leader used to be a chunin, the legendary dark ninja, feared by all. Jiraya however mocked them, so the leader charged towards the sannin, that showed us the jutsu he wants to teach Naruto, well me too of course since I'm coming with them.

It was a concentrated chakra ball on his hand, that sent towards the leader's chest. The pressure caused the two men to fly and destroy a stand.

Jiraya then apologised and bought some water balloons for the training.

"Finally, the mood is right for a little training" an excited Naruto said.

"Here, take a water balloon each"

"Eh?! What is it for?!"

"You saw that jutsu I used, right?" Naruto nodded. "What jutsu did it look like to you?"

"It looked like you made your opponent spin violently"

"Right, okay... yes, spinning!" Jiraya grabbed a balloon and started making the water spin, until its popped.

"The tree climbing exercise to learn and maintain chakra in necessary places... the walk on water exercise to learn to release a set amount of chakra... you did both of these, right? And now with this water balloon exercise, you'll learn how to create a stream of chakra... in other words, spinning" Jiraya sensei explained.

"Create a stream of chakra..." Naruto muttered.

"Ill give a more detailed explanation of the jutsu once you get these first steps down. First, you must gather and maintain chakra in your hand using the tree climbing technique. Then you must continuously release chakra using the walk on water technique. Then you push and churn the water in the balloon with the chakra!" Jiraya continued explaining.

"I get it! Then you spin the water in the balloon faster and faster until the balloon pops!"

"You're catching on more and more quickly! Okay, today we're going to train until evening!"

"Yes, sir!"



Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter! If you liked it, don't forget to follow, vote and comment, I'd really appreciate it! This being said, see you in the next chapter, cheers,


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