Chapter 1: Welcome To Hollywood Arts

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I was sitting on the couch eating peanut butter with chocolate chips while Tori and her Science partner Ian worked on a project.

"Alright, let's see. The bread mold...Furry." She said inspecting the tree nasty piece of bread.

"Furry." Ian repeated typing on his computer.



"Next. The Fish Mold..." I was watching BeetleJuice when Trina flew the front door open.

"I AM SO UPSET!" I rolled my eyes "You won't believe who they partnered me with for the big showcase!" 

"Who?" I asked pretending to be interested.

"ANDREW HARRIS! A tenth grader!" I snorted and she shot me a death glare.

"What's the big showcase?" Ian asked joining the conversation.

"It's a performance they put on at her school each year-" Tori tried to explain to him but Trina cut her off.

"They invite agents and directors and other super powerful People in show business and it's extremely important which is why I am upset! And Goodbye!" She said pulling Ian out of our house and slamming the door in his face.

"Just Toss him out the window next time." I said making my way into the kitchen and pouring myself some juice.

"Hey! Him and I have a science project due tomorrow! I'll have to bring in my mold bush!" Tori Protested and Trina Rolled her eyes.

"No! Andrew's coming over and I you got to help us figure out what to do for the big showcase! I definitely wanna sing!" She said running over to the piano and playing some notes and sang off key horribly.  "How was that?" She asked looking between Tori and I

"Atrocious?" She rolled her eyes and stared at Tori waiting for her answer.

"Loud...?" She smiled

"Awesome!"  She said and the doorbell rang. "UGH! He's here. Elle go let him in, Tori STAY!"

I shook my head and made my way to the door to let him in. "Come in." I said motioning him to enter. 

"Thanks." He said looking around at our house.

"Tori, Elle. This is Andrew." Trina introduced us.

"Andre." He said correcting Trina. "Do you guys go to Hollywood arts too?" 

We shook our heads. "No, we're not
Performers...just Trina." I said making my way back to my bowl of chocolate chips & Peanut butter.

"Yup! I've got the talent and they have the strong teeth!" She said grabbing Tori's mouth. Ya know, she's never had one cavity." I almost chocked on my peanut butter trying not to laugh.

"I try not to brag about it..." Tori said moving to the other side of the piano

Andre walked up to the piano and started playing, he was fantastic.

"You're Amzing!" I said from the couch! Tori nodded her head in agreement.

"He's Okay." Trina said making me roll my eyes.

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