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- Elle's POV -

Senior Year had finally come to a close, We Graduated. This was the last night for Beck and I in Hollywood. Tomorrow we were headed off to New York to start our lives as College students. I could tell there was something on Beck's mind, but he wasn't ready to say what it was just yet.

Since, Valentine's Day Beck has been living with Us, and shortly after that Mom's boyfriend and Dad's old partner Gary moved in too. At first it was weird seeing mom with another guy, it was revealed to us that her and dad had broken up when he found out he had cancer and they stayed living together for us.

We were mad at first but, we soon got over it.

Currently, I was packing up the rest of Beck and I's things with my mom, while Beck was saying goodbye to his mom. Nobody has seen or heard from Beck's dad since he left after Valentine's Day, Beck was very angry with his dad, but he had every right to be his dad left without saying goodbye.

"Honey, It's going to be so weird having you all the way in New York. Tori will be here but, she'll be gone all the time with her Job. Plus, You're my baby." She was tearing up, she's been this way since we graduated yesterday.

"Mom, it's a short flight to New York, You can come see me whenever." I gave her a hug.

"I know, I just feel like everything has moved so fast lately. Trina left, Your dad passed, You got engaged, now you're leaving, Tori will be leaving after this winter. All my kids are gone, what's my purpose?" My heart ached for my mom, she really was having a hard time.

"You love to write, take some writing classes, start a blog. Plus, You've always talked about wanting to travel, now that we are all gone, you and Gary can travel. You guys can come to New York one weekend, we can go wedding dress shopping." She smiled and gave me a hug.

"When did you grow up so fast?"

"When I had too."

- Beck's POV -

I was getting some last minute things from my Aunt's house before heading back to the Vega's, Unfortunately Andre and Jade had been waiting for me to show up.

"Have you told her? Your time is up, I will make the phone call right now if you tell me you haven't told her." Jade sneered.

"I told her last night." I lied. "She's dealing with it, please leave her alone she needs to be in a good headspace when we get to New York." I grabbed the suitcase I came over here for and left. "So Annoying." I grumbled when I got into my car.

"BECK!" Andre called coming out the door, I rolled down my window.


"Thank You."


"Telling her, She needed to know. But come give me a hug, I'm not gonna see you again till Christmas." I smiled got out of the car and gave him a hug.

"I love you man."

"I love you too. Take care of Elle, New York is a big scary place. But, take care of yourself too."

"Will do, Andre." we waved goodbye and I backed out of the driveway and sighed I needed to tell Elle.

- Elle's POV -

"Hey, Love." I smiled at Beck when he walked into the bedroom. He looked around it was weird, the room was now empty, all my things were packed and shipped headed for our New York Apartment. That was the place we were going to call home. We'd have so many first in New York, but we had so many firsts here in Hollywood...

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