The Diddly-Bops

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"All right. Nice work, everyone. Wait. Tori, Andre, Beck, Jade, Cat, Robbie and Elle. Stay for a moment." Sikowitz's said after dismissing class.

"Um... Why do you have a woman purse?" I asked holding back laughter.

"I don't have a pur... Good God, where's this come from? And where's my dozen bagels?" He said clearly confused. Maybe he should stop drinking coconuts so often.

"Can I leave?" Jade sighed, I agreed turning to leave.

"Wait. How would you teenagers Like to do something for money?" I turned back around.

"Can we have Some details first?"

"Well, I assume You're all familiar With Kevin Chase."

"The guy who owns Like half the hotels in Vegas?" Beck asked.

"I'm telling the story!" He yelled making us jump.

"Sorry." Beck apologized.

"Kevin was my roommate In college."

"Oh my god...they were roommates." I said quietly beck and had chuckled at me.

"And now he's extremely wealthy, And his little boy Is turning 4 years old This week. The big o four." He kept dragging it on, get to the point Sikowitz.

"What do you want, man?" Andre asked.

"Kevin hired the waggafuffles To perform a song. At his son's birthday party."

"Oh, I love the waggafuffles." Cat giggled "wagga wagga wagga wag your fuffle left and right wagga wagga wagga wag your fuffle day and night"

"shut up." Rex spat

"Rex told me to shut up."

"Yes, thank you, Rex."

"I'll give you this dollar To get to the point." I said pulling a dollar out of Beck's pocket.

"Hey, that's mine." He said

"I couldn't possibly Take your money." Sikowitz said then snatched the dollar.  "Apparently, the waggafuffles'. Private jet... Crashed. And so, now, Kevin needs A new musical group to perform. At his son's birthday party."

"So, you want us to form A kiddie musical group?" Jade asked

"For just one performance."

"No." Jade said flatly

"He'll pay you $1,000."

"A thousand?" Andre said.

"Shall I tell my friend You're all in?"
We all nodded

"Oh, where would we do this?" Tori asked.

"I'll set up the party Here at school In the black box theater. You can perform on stage After the kids have their cake. And ice cream, It'll be fantastic." He clapped his hands together.

"There you are." a lady snarled coming through the back door carrying a bag of bagels.

"Ah, my bagels. Sorry about the mix-up there." He said as they exchanged bags.

"Pull your head Outta your pants." She said and jade and I snickered.

"I like her." I whispered to Jade

"She's great."

"Bye, mom." He said saving

"That was your mom?" Beck asked

"Noo." We all looked at him confused. "Well by now." He said walking away without telling us anything more.

"He's one strange man." I said everyone agreed.

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