First Day

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Beck's POV

"THAT I HATE YOU!" She screamed slamming the door. My heart sank to my stomach, I just lost my fiancé.  I grabbed my luggage and made my way out of the apartment complex into the street.

I walked down the road a little ways and flagged down a taxi. "Where to?" The driver asked.

"Airport, I guess." I sighed he nodded and drove away, I was almost in tears and called my mom.

"Hey Beck! How's New York?" She answered excitedly.

"'s great, but I'm coming home mom." It was silent on the other end.

"Is everything okay? Do you want me to come to you?" I couldn't bear to tell her, so I made up a lie I would regret telling.

"Elle cheated on me, I'm not going to college in New York." I felt horrible for lying but didn't want my mom to know what I had done.

"Oh sweetie, I'll pick you up when you land. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, Mom. I gotta go." We exchanged goodbyes just as we arrived at the airport.

"Sorry about your girl man, have a safe flight." The driver said handing me my luggage.

"Thanks..." I quickly answered, I took my phone out and sent one last text.

Beck: "Eleanor, I hope this message finds you well. I'm at the airport leaving back to L.A. I'll arrange for my things to be shipped back, I want you to know how much I love you. I hurt you and I won't be able to live with myself without saying I'm so deeply sorry. You probably won't talk to me ever again, but I want to make things right whenever you're ready to talk...Beck Oliver."

I bought my ticket and made my way through security, I didn't think I'd be leaving without my girl, but maybe this way the best for both of us...


After I cried for awhile I got up off the floor and started to unpack my boxes, what was I going to do with all of Beck's things? I had been unpacking for a while when my phone dinged, it was Beck.

Beck: "Eleanor, I hope this message finds you well. I'm at the airport leaving back to L.A. I'll arrange for my things to be shipped back, I want you to know how much I love you. I hurt you and I won't be able to live with myself without saying I'm so deeply sorry. You probably won't talk to me ever again, but I want to make things right whenever you're ready to talk...Beck Oliver."

I teared up after I read his text, my heart was in so many pieces but getting a sincere apology helped mend the pain just a little bit.

After dinner I was staring at my phone, I didn't know what to say back. Should I reply? Ignore it? Delete it?

I jumped when there was a knock on the door. I scurried over and looked through the peephole. It was the movers again.

"Hi!" I said opening the door

"We're here to collect Beck Oliver's things." I nodded and let them into the apartment.

"All the boxes in the living room." I said and they nodded, after about a half hour they left.

I sat on my couch and thought about what I was going to say to Beck.

I picked up my phone and finally decided to reply back to beck.

Elle: "Beck, Thank you for the apology, I'm not ready to forgive just yet. It breaks my heart to know you kept this quiet for so long, and all my friends knew. I feel stupid, betrayed, and really just heartbroken. I thought we were going to be endgame, but even throws a curveball and the universe decided to tear us apart. Maybe one day we'll end up together again, hope you do amazing things in L.A. with love, Eleanor Vega."

I spent the rest of the week trapped inside my apartment, today I had to go to the college and get my books.

When I returned home I sat down and cried.

You're The Reason (Victorious/ Beck Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now