Sleepover At Sikowitz's

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"Listen. Ms. Travis, listen to me." Andre said putting his hand on Tori's arm.

"What?" She sniffled

"This is a simple surgery. I've done this operation hundreds of times. You'll be fine."

Sikowitz creeped up onto the stage.
"But what if I'm not fine? What if I die on that operating table? I have three... Uh-huh. I have three... Uh-huh, uh-huh. I have three children." Tori stopped. He was standing right in between them.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kids. Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt the scene, but Tori, look at the red dot I drew on this index card." He held it up, and Tori stared at the card.

"Boo!" She screamed and fell backwards.

"Sikowitz!" She yelled.

"You scared the Fudge outta me."

"Why did you stop crying?" He asked her, I snickered.

"What?! You were playing the role of a crying woman who's just been told she's going to have surgery. Why did you break character?"

"Cuz you interrupted our scene and screamed boo in my face!"

"Tori and Andre, take your seats."

"Here's your dollar, Sikowitz." I held it up.

"You paid him to do that?" Andre asked I chuckled.


"Thanks." He said snatching the dollar. "I'm trying to teach you kids about method acting, and that means whatever character you're playing, you must stay in that character, the entire time, no matter what happens. Whether on camera or off camera, on stage or off stage, you've got to understand that..." the bell rang. "Until tomorrow." He dismissed class.

"Look, I'm sorry we disappointed you."

"Yeah, it's just that we think that method acting is kinda dumb." Jade said.

"Yeah." Beck sighed

"Well, of course you think method acting is dumb. It's too challenging for you."

"Yeah, I really don't think that's the issue here." I sighed.

"Staying in character no matter what happens is something only true, professional actors can pull off. Sometimes I forget you're all just children, you know, amateurs."

"He called us amateurs." Beck said

"Your whack-job teacher just called all y'all out!"

"I love it." Jade laughed.

"Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your little amateur feelings."

"He did it again." Tori whined.

"I really don't think method acting is all that hard." I said crossing my

"Then I issue a challenge." He said standing up.

"What kinda challenge?"

"Who wants to have a sleepover at my house?"

"I do." Jade and I yelled at the same

"Oh, come on. You guys don't wanna see where this lunatic lives? No offense."

"It's all right, Jade. I savor your bitterness like a sweet, rancid cream sauce."

"So what's the plan?" Beck asked.

"All of you will show up at my house on Friday night at 7 P.M. Each of you will be playing a distinct character, and you must stay in your character until Saturday morning."

You're The Reason (Victorious/ Beck Oliver)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें