Heather's PART 2

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Continued from LIFEBOAT

Tori: Whats your damage, Heather? Are you saying Westerberg is not a nice place?

MS. FLEMING: Heather!

Tori: Wheres your school spirit? You dont deserve to wear Westerberg school colors.

MS. FLEMING: Dont be mean spirited!

Tori: Why dont you hop in your little lifeboat and catch a gnarly wave over to Remington!

(KIDS laugh)

MS FLEMING: Knock it off! Alright, people, settle down.

STONER GIRL: Aw, look! Heathers gonna cry!

(KIDS laugh harder. Maya exits)

MS. FLEMING: Lady, you are suspended! Turn off the cameras! Turn them off, goddammit!

Elle: Is that all you care about? TV cameras?

MS. FLEMING: I care about saving lives. Heather Duke ruined a valuable-

Elle: Valuable? None of us want this spectacle. To be experimented on like guinea pigs? Patronized like bunny rabbits?

MS. FLEMING: I dont patronize bunny rabbits.

Leilani's Ghost: This is their big secret. The adults are powerless.

Elle: Heather Mac trusted you. You said youd protect her!

Leilani's Ghost: They cant help us. Nobody can.

Elle: Youre useless.

(MS. FLEMING exits)

Elle: Were alone in the ocean. Youre all idiots!

Beck: Veronica, you should sit back-

Elle: No! let go! Heather Chandler was a monster, just like Kurt and Ram. They didnt kill themselves, I killed them. What do you all think about that?

Tori: God, some people will say anything if they think itll make them popular!

(KIDS laugh. Elle exits)

Beck: Veronica!

(Maya enters, trying her hardest to open a pill bottle)

Maya: Stupid child proof caps!

Tori: Aww look, Heather's going to

Tori & COMPANY: Whine, whine, whine all night!

Tori: You don't deserve to live!

Tori & COMPANY: Why not kill yourself!

Tori: Here, have a sedative!

Tori & COMPANY: Whine, whine, whine!

Tori: Like there's no Santa Claus

Tori & COMPANY: You're pathetic because you whine!

Tori: You whine all night!

Tori: (Whine) Your ass is off the team

(Whine) Go on and bitch and moan

(Whine) You don't deserve to dream

(Whine) You're gonna die alone

Tori & COMPANY: Die alone!

Die alone!

Die alone!


(Elle enters. KIDS exit)

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