Jade & Eleanor's Playdate

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"Good morning, little mutants. All right. Now, it's time for... Bad news." Sikowitz's said coming into the room.

"They found out coconut juice makes your hair fall out?" I smirked.

"No." He sighed. "We're going to do an acting exercise about giving bad news."

"Why?" Jade asked.

"Why. To teach you that acting often involves making choices about how to say things. For example... How do you give someone bad news. And make it seem not so bad?"

"By telling them in a language they don't understand!" Cat said...was she serious?

"No Cat. Just come up on stage here. Robbie, you too, up up. And now, your partner in this little acting exercise... Tanner... come in!" This little boy and his mom came into the room.

"I'm not to sure about this..." Maya said leaning In between Jade & I.

"Me Either." I whispered.

"Everybody, this is Tanner, a young boy who lives next door to me."

"Hi Tanner."

"Hey Tanner."

"Sup Tanner?"

"Have a seat...All right, Cat and Robbie... Here's a card with some random bad news for you to give to Tanner." They read it.

"Got it." Robbie said picking up his guitar.

"Oh, okay. Good! Now improvise a scene where you have to give Tanner that bad news. In a way that doesn't upset him."

♪ This kind of news is always hard to tell someone ♪ ♪ and we really Hope it doesn't break your heart ♪ ♪ but somebody ran ♪ ♪ yeah, somebody ran ♪ ♪ a woman or a man ♪ ♪ maybe in a van ♪ ♪ somebody ran over your go cart ♪ and it got crushed!

"It's unfixable!" Cat Yelled.

"Yes. Now that's how you give bad news." I said sarcastically.

"See, the boy's smiling." Sikowitz said.

"Yeah, that was really cool. You guys just made that song up, right now?" Tanner asked them.



"Robbie, why do you have to make things weird?" Maya asked.

"That's Just his natural ability." I sighed.

"And now Tanner... This is for you. At night, your parents' driveway looks a lot like mine. Now off ya go. There ya go... scooch along... There's the door... Drive safely..."

Our Jaws dropped.

"Wait... You really ran over the boy's go-cart?" Tori asked shocked.

"Three times. I thought it was a raccoon. Take your seats." We all sat back down. "Alright. Now let's talk about the new play I'm directing."

"Not another one about the coconut visions." I sighed.

"Do I get to star in it?" Jade asked

"Uh, I think it's my turn to star in one of Sikowitz's plays." Robbie smiled

"Why are you talking?" I asked turning around.

"There, y'see? Every time I cast a new play, you all get your panties in a pretzel. So this time..." he picked up a bowl with papers in it. "You people will choose your own roles." He walked to Andre. "Andre, pick a role."

"Tommy: Ten-year-old "identical twin brother of Carter."

"Beck, pick a role."

"Carter: Ten-year-old identical twin brother of Tommy" they looked at each other.

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