Eleanor's 17th Birthday

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"Get Up, Birthday Girl!" My dad yelled swinging my door open.

"Shhh..." I said throwing my head into the pillow.

"Come on...your big birthday party is today, Elle." My mom said sitting down.

"I don't want to get up." I mumbled.

"Too bad." She said pulling the blankets off of me. "Get up. Glam & Hair will be here soon and then we gotta get ready for your party."

"Fine." I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and rubbed my eyes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Leilani, Maya, Jade, Cat and Tori sang coming into my room with a birthday cake.


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Elle & Tori! happy birthday to you!!"

"BLOW OUT THE CANDLES!" Cat giggled.

"Fine!" We blew the candles out.

"What did you wish for?" Maya asked.

"For you to all get out so I can wake up." I spat.

"Fine, but I'm eating a piece of your cake." Leilani said leaving.

"Ooo cake!" Cat yelled following her.

"The Limo will be here at 5! Andre, Beck, Robbie, Rex will be here at 4:45!" Tori said closing the door.

"GET DRESSED!" Jade yelled.

"I'm on it!" I rolled my eyes.

Around 2 O'clock hair and makeup showed up. I was eating my Chinese while the girl did my hair.

"Elle, what gift are you hoping to get?" Maya asked.

"Uhhh. I'm not sure. No wait! THE NEW PEAR PHONE!" I said

"I want scissors..." jade mumbled.

"You always want scissors." I said making her laugh.

"So Tori..." I said poking her. "I heard Andre asked you out."

"Oooo" we all said making her blush.

"Yeah. Yeah. I haven't said Yes or No yet. I plan to tonight!" She blushed harder.

"You two were made for each other!" Maya said.

"Yeah! My brother never stops talking about you!" Leilani smiled "he really likes you."

"It's like somebody created you two, like in a tv show and made you perfect for each other!" I smiled. "I used to feel that way about beck..." I sighed.

"He still loves you." Jade said rubbing my shoulder.

"We're better off as just friends." I said.

"All finished, time for makeup!" The makeup artist came over and put my face on.

"Go put your dress on! I want to see it!" Jade smiled.

"Are you showing...happy emotions?" I asked her and she pushed me.

"I'll show you punching emotions if you don't get that dress on." I rolled my eyes and ran to the bathroom.

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