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The rain drizzled gently over the forest as the apes gathered above the elk. Ceaser, leader of the apes, stared down at them with calm intent. His son was perched beside him, gazing at the relaxed face of his father as the other apes poised, ready to attack when he says.

'Now, father?' He signs, but Ceaser stills his son's hand to wait.

After a few minutes, he raised his fist, letting out a loud roar. The noise scared the elk and they took off, scattering across the field. After setting off to chase them, Ceaser followed with his son in tow, chasing the elk towards Koba and a few others so they could trap them to make the kill easier. Soon, the elk were pinned down by the hundreds of apes hooting and hollering at them, and after they got a few of them, the rest of them jumped down and dragged the carcasses away, heading home with their new bounty.

Blue Eyes, seeing a half injured one, motioned to his father, who shook his head and told him to wait as he inspected a strangely looking tree; there were deep gashes in the cool bark like something had sharpened their claws on it. This sent an unsettling feeling in his stomach as he looked around, his hand tightening on his spear.

Blue Eyes kept his eyes on his elk, but dearing it would get up and run away, he slid down the small hill and poised with his spear, ready to kill it as it yelped and whined in pain.

Suddenly he heard twigs snap and a large brown grizzly bear shot out of the nearby bushes roaring at the young ape. Blue eyes shrieked as the bear knocked him across the valley floor with his large paw, scratched him deeply in his chest and beside his eye as he did, sending him across the ground with a shriek and a thump, alerting his father. Ceaser shot up and rushed the bear, jumping on the bears back attempting to stab it with his spear. Unfortunately the bear whipped him around and he barely landed on his feet in front of his son.

Ceaser roared at the bear, but the bear snarled back unfazed as it swung at Ceaswr, knocking his spear out od his hands in the process. Ceaser began to shout loudly to alert some apes, but what happened next startled him.

Before he could call out to Koba, the bear let out a quick whine in pain and dropped to the ground in front of the apes. As its head fell, the two apes saw something ontop of the bears back, feet planting in the vears back. It was a human woman standing on the bears neck with a machete embedded in its fur, standing on his back and panting heavily, her dark brown hood covering moat of her face and her long hair covering her face and neck. Her dirty blue jeans were torn and her boots were filthy, along with the rest of her. she wore fingerless gloves and had a pack on her back.

The two were frozen in shock as the woman jumped from the bears back with a huff and pulled her hood off. Ceaser was surprised at hoe pretty she was, and young too.

When ahe moved to the front of the bear, she looked over at them, as if looking then over to see if they were hurt. After nodding, she removed her blade and wiped it on the animals fur, putting it back. She cast a glance at them once more before Ceaser shook himself from his stupor when she bent down to the beast's mouth and pry it open. He stepped to her and with the noise of his footateps, she looked up.

'Thank you, you saved my son'. He signs to her and she stared at him, confused. she cocked her head as she raised an eyebrow at him, clearly confused. He assumed she didn't understand and spoke.

"Thank you." he says. With his words, she blinked in surprise, but smiled and nodded to him. As she was turning back to the bear's mouth and pulling a large tooth, looking it over, Blue Eyes slowly inched towards her. She was actually really pretty... for a human.

"Can... you...speak?" he asks her and she shook her head. Ceaswr nods as she stands and dusts her pants off, stuffing the tooth in her pocket as Blue Eyes came up and thanked her himself.

Your EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon