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Five years passed. Five whole cold, boring, sad year of constant battles and hatred between the two species. It was around that time that Ceaser and the others decided to move from their home to find somewhere to hide. They knew they couldn't stay there any longer, so they began to move from their home down south a bit more to the waterfall. A small path formed to the edge of the water, a large tunnel leading to a secret entrance to the waterfall. Ceaser then decided that is where they would live from now on. As they began to move their children and possessions, he passed by mina's old hut. The leaves were removed for use and he caught a glimpse of Blue Eyes standing inside, head hung, holding the music box.

"Son." Ceaser says aloud. Blue Eyes turned to his father, eyes red and puffy from the tears. Ceaser patted his shoulder.

"Best to be with family." He says to his son.

Blue Eyes was quiet a moment before nodding slowly, following his father out of their once vibrant home. He took one last look and sighed; he had to leave his home because Koba returned. He took it upon himself to kill some of the soldiers at the human colony, starting a war between them and the apes. The humans sent a handful of people up to kill the apes and they killed the humans. Malcolm came back, but only to tell Ceaser they contacted an army up north and that they had to run and hide.

Blue Eyes had heard this and immediately began to worry. The north is where that man took his Mina; he hoped she was alright, but he knew something was off about that guy. He didn't look anything that the guy in her locket. He looked down at the music box in his hand as they rode to their new home. He caressed the glass with a sigh as his mother came up beside him.

'son, it will be alright. We have a new home now.'

'that's not what I'm worried about mother.' He signs sadly. Cornelia looked at the music box and nudged her son. Blue Eyes looked up at his mother sadly.

'I know, you miss her.' He nods. 'My son, it has been a year already, she must be happy where she is. She wouldn't want you to feel this way.'

'you think she is with someone else?' that, she couldn't answer.

'she is safe, I know it. We will see her again.' She smiled at her son and walked forward. He sighed once more and nodded, smiling down sadly at the music box and putting away gently. Mother was right, mina was okay; maybe she found another mate, having a child or with her family. He supposed if she's happy then he would have to live with it. It would be painful for a while, but maybe he could get over it.

It was time to let her go.

What Blue Eyes didn't know, is that Mina was being treated like the apes they imprisoned to work for them. The army made the apes fight with them; carry their ammo and radio equipment, go ahead of battles to see their opponent's advantage, and even kill their own kind. It made her heart hurt seeing apes turn against each other. It reminded her of Blue Eyes beating Koba for hurting her.

She sniffled as she poured soup into a bowl for a soldier as they lined up for dinner. They all made eyes at Mina's ripe 18-year-old body, and she rolled her eyes as she dished out more food. Non-stop since she got here, the younger soldiers thought she was just a plaything. She was still technically a prisoner, always chained up with the other Donkeys. She's made a break for it a couple times a month for a year, but they're starting to get smarter.

As she finished dishing out a ladel full, a soldier known as Briggs came up, smacking the spoon out of her hands.

"Might wanna pick that up, donkey." He growled. She glared up at him but knelt to pick up the spoon. She stood back up, but the spoon was once more, smacked out of her hands.

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