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The next morning was a stir of confusion as Mina woke from her sleep. She heard horses walk by and when she came out of her tent, she saw the apes riding past her camp. A few nodded in greeting to her, those few being Ceaser and Maurice, Rocket and his son, who was thankfully better, and Blue eyes. He slows a moment before smiling lightly at her. She smiled and waved as they passed and he waved lightly back.

Koba was not happy with this, and glared deeply at the young human. Her smile fades as he went by and he sneered at her with his one good eye. She backed away and lowered her head, shivers going down her spine as they passed. Satisfied with her new-found fear, Koba continued down the path with the others to the human colony.

Once they reached the human gate, the humans went on full defense mode, pointing guns at them. Ceaser stepped forwards as the man from before, Malcolm, stepped out of the gate and to him. Once they were at a distance to each other, Ceaser spoke.

"Apes..." the whole crowd gasped and cried in awe and terror as they watched the large chimp speak.

"...Do not want war. But will fight. If we must." He bellowed looking at the humans. He then pointed up to the bridge and to the trees.

"Ape home." He then pointed to the city.

"Human home." He then looked down to blue eyes, who jumped off the horse and threw the bag down at the human's feet, then climbed back on his horse. Malcolm picked up the bag, then gazed up at Ceaser.

"Do not come back." He commanded as he and the other apes turned from the gates of the human city.

After he and the others rode through the broken city once more, passed the bridge and to the forest, they slowed when they saw Mina's camp. Blue eyes looked to his father for permission to go, and when his father nodded, he smiled and rode to her. She was currently laying out a towel on a line of rough rope when they came and smiled when blue eyes sat at her fire. She soon joined him and waved to the other apes, who continued on their way. Maurice and Ceaser smiled as they watched the young ape interact positively with the young woman, pointing at things and learning their purposes.

'seems to enjoy her company' Maurice says. Ceaser nods as they reached the gate.

'yes; he has been there for the past few days. She is growing on him' Ceaser smiles.

'Maybe it is good they are becoming friends. Maybe this will mean peace between the humans and apes.' He replied and Ceaser nods.


For the last couple hours, Blue Eyes was teaching Mina to sign and she made good headway on the first couple hours. She learned hello and goodbye easily, then thank you and I am Mina, though she messed up on a few letters.

'you. blue eyes. me. Mina.' she signed sloppily. He nods smiling and clapped for her. This sent a grin to her face and put her hands up to thank him he nodded.

Then suddenly, she hugged his neck. He froze as her warm body pressed against his and for a moment he was afraid she would hear his heart beat. He relaxed a bit and put his arms around her, liking the feel of her arms around him, and hugged her close to his body, pulling her closer. She nearly fell over as he pulled her close, so her knees landed on the other side of his legs as she looked at him smiling. He smiled too as she sat down in between his now spread legs, feeling more comfortable with their closeness, but blue eyes felt something flutter inside his chest when she looked up at him. Her beautiful eyes sparkled in the sun's rays and she skin looked like it was glowing; she was beautiful.

He stared at her lips and felt himself inching closer to her without being actually aware. When she saw him staring at her and leaning in, she blushes and takes in a slight breath, leaning in as well. As his lips nears hers and closes the gap between them, their lips touching in a soft gentle kiss. It felt foreign, soft, wet and...nice. She kissed back so suddenly that he felt his eyes close and he sighed through his nose, pushing his lips into hers more, almost craving the feel of them on his own.

Then suddenly, his eyes pop open, realizing what he was doing; he was kissing a human! Blue Eyes pulled away quickly and backed out of her tent, staring at her confused look. If he could blush, he would be bright red by now. He took off back home as fast as the horse could go, feeling his lips the whole way. Why did it have to be a human that sparked something in his chest? And why did that kiss feel so...right?

When he reached his home, he didn't even greet anyone. He went straight to his hut and buried himself in his nest. He curled up in a ball and touched his lips softly. He kissed her! She kissed him! It felt...weird but...nice? He heard a grunt and saw his father staring down at him.

'are you alright? What happened?' he asks. Blue Eyes huffed and shook his head, not wanting his father to know what he had done; he would be so disappointed!

'nothing...' he signs and rolled back over.

Ceaser frowned and left his son's hut. He stood there a moment outside the hut and wondered what could have happened to make his son so why and distant suddenly. He would have to go ask Mina himself if he really wanted to know. The thoughts were pushed from his mind when he heard the gorilla at the gate hollering. They all looked to find the human man from the city holding his hands up. Ceaser sighed; why did these humans have to be so confusing?

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