Twenty Six

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Blue Eyes dreamt of blood, of death, his wife crying out as she held his hand out to him, as of begging to touch him. hot tears spilled down her face and her fingertips were covered in blood.

"Please, help..." She whimpered.

He tried to rush to her, but his feet refused to move. His body was frozen on the spot and he couldn't look away. He wanted to badly to touch her hand, the hand that was mere inches from his chest. She needed him, but he couldn't help her.

"Blue Eyes... don't let them take him!" She cried out as her body shook, her hand faltering as ape suddenly surrounded her.

As he watched Mina's face constrict in pain, he willed his body to move, finally reaching for her hand.

Then with one final shudder of breath, she suddenly went still. The glimmer in her eyes suddenly faded and the tears dripped down her cheek. Blue Eyes' heart stuttered as he saw the life leave his wife's body and she fell limp just before he could take her hand.

"Mina... no, Mina!" he cried out, his voice echoing in his mind as he finally managed to move his body to her.

The apes faded like fog, glaring over at him as they disappeared into the darkness. His feet moved, rushing to his wife and knelt by her still form. He began to shake as he pulled Mina's body up onto his lap and held her close to his chest as he began to cry. His body shook as he held her face, running his shaky fingers through her hair, looking down at her dulled eyes and chapped lips patted slightly in a pained frown.

"Mina... come back..." He cried as he nuzzled his face into her chest, his body sudde my growing weak.

Then suddenly, he felt something on his arm. He jumped as his head slowly rose, his eyes cast sideways and he gasped. In the blood soaked cloth of Mina's dress, there was a tiny little hand. Half of the hand was covered in fur while the palm was bare. It was reaching out and squeaking as if trying to call for something. or someone. Blue Eyes slowly set Mina's head down gently and pulled the cloth away a bit.

There in the cloth was a small baby, ape in appearance, but with a large tuft of hair and Mina's bright eyes. Blue Eyes slowly pulled the body up off his dead wife and lifted the baby to his face. The baby looked up at him with wide eyes and reached out to touch his face.

"Daddy..." He heard a faint soft voice say as he closed his eyes against the pain.

Blue Eyes suddenly shot up, panting heavily as he woke from the dream. His fur was warm with sweat and his heart studded against his chest hard as if about to break out of his ribs. He panted as he finally calmed down, looking around the hut he slept in. He sighed with relief and leaned forwards, putting his head between his knees.

As he listened to the quiet songs of night, he felt a hand touch his back. He slowly glanced over his shoulder and sighed in relief. Mina's hand, now naked and pink as before, held his fur as her eyes were still closed, blindly reaching for him in her sleep. He smiled at her and lay down beside her, pulling her close as he lifted the blanket. Her body was now human again, showing the soft pink skin he loved to caress so much. She sighed as a gust of air reached her naked body and he smirks, pulling her close as he pulled the covers over them both. He took her cheek in his hand and rubbed her cheek. this woke Mina from her slumber and she blinked slowly. Blue Eyes' eyes were wet as if from crying and he looked at her with such desperation.

"Blue Eyes... have you been crying?" She asks taking his cheek, then pulled back in surprise as she caught a glimpse of her hand. She gasped and smiled up at her husband.

"I'm normal." She says hugging his neck.

"I'm human again. Oh Blue Eyes..." She says hugging his neck and kissing his cheek. He smiles and hugs her back, eyes closed in calm relaxation as she rubbed his back gently.

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