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'Must attack them now! Before they attack us!' Koba signs angrily as they gathered around the fire in the middle of their colony.

Maurice shook his head calmly beside Ceaser, who was staring at the fire, thinking about what happened. The humans attacked Ash a few days ago, but he made a quick recovery when Mina helped him. There were two kinds of humans out there, that he knows.

'We don't know how many there are. How many guns they have? Or why they came up here?' Maurice signs to Koba.

'They shot your son, rocket! Don't you want to fight?' Koba signs to the ash colored ape.

'the human female saved him. If she is good, there must be others like her. I follow Caesar in this.'

'she will be the next to try and kill us! I don't trust her!' he signs angrily.

'She saved Ceaser and blue eyes. And Ash." Maurice pointed out and Koba huffed, shaking his head.

'She has not harmed any of us.' he con

'Koba's right! They almost killed you, ash!' blue eyes signs.

'but they didn't, and the human saved me.' He says pointing to his now bandaged shoulder.

'that is the only one who is kind. the others had guns.' Blue Eyes said. 'We must attck them!'

"No!" Ceaser calls, silencing them all. They still and looked towards their leader.

'If we go to war...We could lose all we've built...' he signs.

"Home. Family. Future." He spoke. 'I will decide by morning.' They all parted as he walked away. Koba followed him, taking his elbow in his rough hand atopping the king.

'what about the young female?' Koba signs angrily. Ceaser thought a moment before shaking his head at the old ape.

'she is no threat. She will stay where she is and not bother us.' He signs and Koba huffs.

'She could be the reason they are here. They could have come looking for her. Maybe more will come, with guns.' he signs.

'No, she is safe where she is. So are we. Leave her be.' Ceaser replied.

Koba glares up at Ceaser as he walks away, grunting angrily and storms off into the woods to blow off some steam, probably to go hunting. Ceaser was heading up to go check on Cornelia, but stopped and turned to his son, who was following slowly behind with his eyes cast downwards.

'Blue Eyes, keep an eye on the human female. Tomorrow bring her some meats to show our thanks.' Blue Eyes looked up and looked like he was about to say something, but nodded instead.

'Yes father.' He signs back and Ceaser nods to his son. Ceaser watched as his son played with his baby brother a moment before leaving the hut to join in a small hunt with the others. He sat beside his wife and held  hand as she lay still.

'You worry for our son.'

'He follows Koba blindly. I dont know what to say to him to make him see different.'

'I heard of this human female. Does he treat her the same?'

'He is unsure.'

'Then he will find his own way. Maybe it is a good thing the human is here.' she replies. Ceaser nods as he lays beside his wife, hugging her close to him.

The next day, Ceaser and Blue eyes hunted for some more elk to take to the girl. As they drug the body of a female elk, Blue Eyes sighed through his nose, walking beside his father, who saw his expression.

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