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After Ceaser and the team of apes finished talking and hearing Malcolm out, they agreed to let them stay in the woods to fix the dam, but with the exception of no guns. None whatsoever. After giving them all up and making camp near the dam, the humans set to work while the apes went back home.

When they all returned home, Koba had another argument lined up as they sat in their meeting circle around the fire.

'If they get power, they'll be more dangerous! Why help them?!' Koba argued.

'They seem desperate... If we make them go, they'll attack.'

'Let them. We'll destroy them while they're weak.'

'And how many apes will die? We have one chance for peace... Let them do their human work. Then they'll go.' Ceaser signs back and Koba went silent. Ceaser could see the pure hatred and anger in his eyes. Then he began to laugh a little hysterically.

"Human work?" he asks almost in hysteric humor.

"Human work." He points to his arm.

"Human work." He points to his shoulder.

"Human work!" he shouted pointing angrily at his eye.

Ceaser stood up a little higher glaring down at him, his signature warning for any ape to back away and not challenge his authority. Koba shrunk away and left angrily while Blue Eyes walked up to his father, watching the older ape leave. He turned to his father confused.

'Koba say... Apes should hate humans...'

'Enough! From humans Koba learned hate... But nothing else.' Ceaser replied and he nodded to his son, who just looked down at the ground.

'besides. Mina is human. She is kind and strong.' His father says to his son, who perked up at the thought of his human friend. Then his face went flustered, remembering their kiss.

Blue eyes nods slowly, thinking about her. He was still confused on how to feel about the humans, but he knew how he felt about Mina. He liked her and acted as if he were her friend, but she was a human. Could he really get past that? And what about her? Did she regret kissing him? Did HE regret it?


The next day was slow, but Ceaser was becoming more worried for Cornelia's help. She wokr up in a horrible labored breathing, wheezing and huffing out short breaths as Ceaser moved to her side. An Oba looked her over, holding her hand and sitting down beside her as she was looked over. The oba shook her head.

'There is nothing we can do but hope she is strong enough to make it.' she explains. A deep sadness set in the kings heart as he nods at th female. She ledt him wirh his wife as he sat down beside her, caressing her head as she hugged the baby to her.

'you ok?' he signs. she nodded at her tired mate.

'Just need rest.' She signs to him weakly.

He shook his head and caressed her face while looking out the hut entrance, deep in thought.

'You worry about the humans...' cornelia signs. he nods a little.

'what about this female from the forest? Are you worried for her?'

'she seems so different from the others. Almost innocent in all of this chaos. I don't know what to do with her.' He signs.

'do not overthink it Ceaser, if she is good then she is good.' Ceaser nods to his mate smiling softly at her just as Blue Eyes came in, his spear in his hand.

He moved to his mother and smiled sadly down at her as he caressed his baby  brother's furry little head.

'Where's koba?' Ceaser signs to his son.

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