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Ceaser was strung up in the middle of the camp on a large X shaped post, tied by his hands and feet and shivered from the cold. Blue Eyes began to fight with the soldiers, risking a bullet to the head to see Mina, who was banned from being near him and the others. but that didnt stop her.

As she fed the apes, the black furred female came up to her. the two females shared a still look before Lake held out her hands.

'please.' she says. Mina smiles softly and handed her some.

'forgive me.'

'what do you mean?'

'i thought you hated me. because i was with Blue Eyes, but you are still kind to me.'

This made Mina stop. she did hate the fact that she was with him, but ahe couldnt do much until she could get them out of here.

'i love blue eyes. i always will. but if he is happy, i will have to accept it.'

Lake stared at the human woman in wonder. she was willing to leave her love to keep him happy?

Mina nodded a goodbye to her and walked away, leaving Lake to watch her. Blue Eyes, who was sitting beside his mother, also watched them as they spoke and sighed. he missed her warmth, her arms around him and her lips on his. he turned back to see her make her way to his father.

Mina walked up to Caesar's shivering from the cold and stepped up onto the small wooden platform, bucket of water in one hand with a ladle and the other. she felt his cold forehead before putting water to his lips. he drank greedily as she held it to his lips. smiling, she got off the platform and rushed to the supply shed. quickly finding a blanket, she went back out to him. but then she froze when she saw Rex going up to his with some water in a bucket. he looked like he was about to give him some, but instead hr tipped the whole bucket over his head. ceaser gasped as the cols water covered him. Rex looked pleased with himself, until he saw Mina. she shoved past him and up the platform, quickly covering Ceaser up and rubbing his body from the cold. she sent a glare Rex's way, earning a guilty shamed look from the gorilla. he bowed his head in shame as Mina dried Ceaser as best she could before getting down, leaving the blanket over him. she stood up beside Rex before shoving past him, a light dust of pink across her cheeks. as she did so, he grabbed her wrist stopping her.

Blue Eyes watched as Rex took her hand, trying to pull her closer, but she ripped her hand from his, glaring at him and walking away. Blue Eyes felt a surge of pride go through him as Mina rejected the gorilla. Mina looked back at him before going inside. his heart stuttered as he saw tears in her eyes.

that is when he decided;he had to get out of here. and he would take her with him.

suddenly, the ground began to sink underneath him. jumping up, he looked down in time to see an old hairless ape digging a hole. blue eyes smiled st his own friend and nodded to him.

"we're here to save you." he whispers and blue eyes nodded.

"wair for my signal. then we move out. " blue eyes says. the ape nodded and got back down, hiding.

blue eyes quickly covered the hole with a large torn up sheet and nodded to the others signing to them they would be getting out. now to tell Mina the plan.

Mina stood watching as the soldiers dragged the apes back to the work. She couldn't take it anymore, all the pain and hatred for her fellow man made her go nearly insane. She hated the thought of her fellow ape friends being chained up and locked away like beasts. She had to do something. She had to get them out but how?

When they put Ceaser in a cell she stood watching behind the cages, silently waiting for the soldiers to fall asleep that night. she had part of a plan and was hoping to set it in motion as soon as they were all out.

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