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It was the day that Harry and his family were coming, and I didn't think I'd ever been so nervous for anything in my 22 years of life.

Thankfully, a few days prior to my mom telling me about our guests arrival, my best friend Cheryl had invited me to hang out with her and few of our mutual friends, so I didn't need to be here when the Styles family showed up. I hoped that they would be sleeping when I got home, that way I wouldn't have to converse with anybody while I was completely shitfaced coming home from the club.

It was now about six thirty in the evening, my mom was frantically trying to make sure that the house was in order, Ashley had left about an hour ago for camping, and my dad and I were sitting in my living room watching my mom be chaotic about her old friends arrival.

"Isabella. Stop laughing and help me with the laundry,"

"I already did it."



"Guest bedroom?"

"Cleaned it a few days ago."

And I thought that I was the nervous one.

My mom wiped her forehead, "Sorry, it's just been awhile since we've seen them, I want everything to be perfect for when they get here."

My dad walked over to my mom and hugged her, "Everything will be perfect, there's nothing to worry about as long as you're in charge."

My heart melted at the sight of my parents hugging in front of me. I wanted a love like theirs, my parents would do anything for each other, they were truly in love.

I heard Cheryl honk her car horn from outside, so I grabbed my things from the kitchen table, said goodbye to my parents and left the house feeling excited to see my best friend.

I walked down the sidewalk and into her car, quickly greeted by Cheryl wrapping her arms around me, it had been awhile since I last saw her.

"I've missed you!" She spoke while starting her car and driving away.

"I know! But it's your fault for being away for so long," She laughed, lightly shoving my shoulder.

"I quit my job though, managers an asshole." I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "I think this is an amazing way to start ut the summer though, getting completely obliterated with my best friend." I laughed.

Cheryl laughed and shot me a toothy grin, "I couldn't agree more."

Before we knew it, we had arrived at the club. Some of our aquaintances from highschool were there, I presumed they were invited by Cheryl. I didn't mind though, even though I always kept my inner circle small, I knew loads of people. Sometimes I enjoyed the extra company, and having somebody to talk too when Cheryl left my side.

As soon as we were inside, it felt like drinks and shots were being handed to me left, right, and center. It was definitely going to be an interesting night and I knew that the headache in the morning would make me regret going overboard, but I couldn't care very much right now.

One shot became two drinks, two drinks became four, four became five and so on. Only hours later the room was blurry and I was stumbling over my own feet. I was doing some sort of dancing, while the music became louder with each beat. 

We were surrounded by heat and sweaty bodies, the music was pounding in my ears and my outfit smelled of booze that was spilt on me earlier, some guy that immediately offered to buy me a new drink and even take me to his house so I could get a change of clothes. Of course, I said no. Being kidnapped was not on my list of things to do tonight.

It was nearing two in the morning when we finally decided to leave the bar, the music was less defeaning and people were beginning to pile out of the building as it closed in half an hour. It was definitely not as fun with so little people, but I also wanted to make it seem like I was being nice and curteous for the guests that were staying at my parents house.

We all bid farewell and got into separate cabs, Cheryl and I drunkily stumbling over our feet and giggling as we were driven home.

When I was finally dropped off at my house, I quickly paid the cab driver and stumbled up to the house. I almost fell on my ass a few times, so I made a mental note to not wear heels again when I went clubbing. The blisters that would appear tomorrow morning and broken ankles were far from worth it. All my stilettos did was bring me pain and make my butt look good, definitely not worth it.

I grabbed my keys from my purse and unlocked the door, tripping over the shoes and meeting with the floor. "Oh shit,"

There were three more pairs of shoes on the ground than what was normally there, and my drunk ass couldn't comprehend why, just wonder when my parents decided to go out and buy fifty-thousand more pairs of shoes... it didn't make sense to me. I'd have to ask them why they did that in the morning.

Every light in the house was off and my phone was dead, meaning that I would have to find my way up the stairs and into my old bedroom without any amount of light, completely shitfaced.

I left my keys on the floor, using my memory to crawl to the stairs, up the stairs, and into my bedroom. I opened the door without turning the light on, as I knew the light would not be very pleasant to be met with at this hour.

I ripped off my clothes and threw them onto the floor, not caring enough to change out of my undergarments and into pyjamas.

When I crawled into bed my pillows had been moved, and one of them felt weirdly hard, but between the headache that was developing and my lack of sobriety I couldn't be bothered to fix it.

Thankfully, I was soon carried off into a dreamless sleep.

falling - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now