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"Bella, what time are you stopping by at work?" Ashley asked me, coming into my bedroom.

I set the stack of clothes I was packing down to check the time on my phone. It was almost one-thirty.

"I might just go now, why?"

"Can I come with you?"

"Yeah of course you can. Give me five minutes then we'll leave. Can you tell mom and dad we're going out?"

She nodded and left the room, leaving me to quickly change into come comfy clothes before grabbing my phone and keys.

Tomorrow I'd be leaving for two months to join Harry on the international legs of his tour, our first stop being Paris. We hadn't talked much since I saw him a month ago, but the few times we did talk he made sure to tell me how excited he was to see me again.

Ashley and I went out to my Jeep, she jumped in the passenger seat while I got in the drivers, and put the key in the ignition. Soon we were off, on our way to the bar.

When we arrived, I told Ashley to stay in the car as I would only be a few minutes.

Once inside, I was immediately greeted with hugs and hello's from my coworkers. I quickly made my way to the back, where Cesar was leaning against the desk with his phone pressed to his ear.

"No! I need those orders in before next week for halloween-- just figure out a way to get them here!" He ended the call and let out a sigh.

He turned around, looking stressed. Once he saw me in the doorway a grin appeared on his face.

He gave me a hug, then sat down in the office chair that was once mine.

"How're things going?" I asked him.

"Okay, I'm stressed but you know. I'm not sure if I ever thanked you for recommending me for this job, so thank you. The raise will be nice once the baby arrives,"

"Of course Cesar! You deserve it. I just stopped by to get the last of my things, give Chonti a hug for me, okay? I'll come by and visit when I get back." I hugged him one last time. "And if you need help with anything you can always call me."

We bid farewell for the last time before I gathered the last box of things from my office and went back outside to the Jeep.

"Everything okay?" Ashey asked once I was back inside.

"Yeah, just gonna miss everybody a lot."

"You'll only be gone for a few months, then we'll have Christmas break before you go to school."

"You're right, I'm not sure why I'm getting so emotional." I put the key in the ignition.

Ashley shrugged and stared out the window on our drive home. When we arrived, Cheryl's car was parked in the driveway.

I decided that I wanted to have her over for dinner with my family tonight. We hadn't spent much time together and this was the last time I'd see here for awhile.

We walked inside, immediately met with the sound of laughter, and the aroma of baked chicken coming from the oven.

Ashley walked over to Cheryl, engulfing her in a hug. I followed her actions and hugged her as well, a feeling I would soon miss.

"How long have you been here for?" I asked, sitting down next to her on the table.

"Only five minutes, not too long," She shrugged.

"So... are you excited? Nervous?"

"Definitely excited more than anything, I think that kind of weighs out any other emotions I might have." I laughed. "But let's not talk about me. How're you?"

"I've been really good actually. I have some news though," she smiled widely. "I'm gonna be joining you at Berkeley next year."

"Really?" My grin matched hers.

She nodded her head. "I'm going into the plant and animal science program."

My parents congratulated Cheryl and we talked a bit more before my mom announced that dinner was done.

We all sat around the table, sharing stories and catching up. There was never a moment of silence because we ran out of words to say. I was going to miss this, but the experiences I was about to have would shape my future self. I was excited for the new adventures that were about to come.

After dinner, I helped my mom clean the kitchen before we all retired to the living room for movie night, a staple in the Anderson household.

During crazy stupid love, I found my eyelids become heavy. It wasn't long before I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

My alarm went off at four in the morning, I grabbed my phone and turned it off, carefully getting up quietly I saw that Cheryl and Ashley had fallen asleep on the couch next to me.

I made my way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and finishing packing any last minute things I needed.

By the time I finished, it was almost five. There was roughly thirty minutes until I needed to be out the door, so I decided to text Harry. My family would be waking up any minute now, so I had some spare time on my hands.

'Goodmorning! I'm awake at the asscrack of dawn, excited to see you! I love you xx'

I wasn't sure what time his flight to Paris was, but I did know that he'd be there before I was. I hoped that I'd be able to talk to him before my flight, but I wasn't sure if that would happen.

At five-thirty everyone was up and we were on our way out. Ashley, Cheryl and my mom slept most of the ride, leaving me and my dad awake and talking.

"I love you, Isabella. I'm very proud of you, I know you'll take care of yourself. Just be careful, okay?"

"I'm always careful dad. No need to worry, I have your number on speed dial in case I need it."

He nodded, looking at me through the rearview mirror. The rest of the drive was silent, the only sound we could hear was Ashleys snores and the light hum of my dad's minivan.

At the airport I grabbed my bags from the trunk with the help of my father. We all walked inside and I checked my bags in, before walking to the security entrance.

I hugged my parents first, my mom already crying and my dad on the verge of tears. I think they were taking this harder than I was.

"No need to cry guys, I'll be back in a few months."

"Be safe sweetheart." My mom smiled.

"I love you Bella. Call if you need anything, okay? I mean anything at all."

"Of course, dad."

I bid farewell to Cheryl and Ashley, giving everyone one last hug before clutching my carry-on and heading through the gates to security.

The next few hours went by quite quickly. The next thing I knew it was ten and I was boarding the plane.

Hoping that I'd be able to get at least a bit of sleep during the next eight hours, I put my headphones in and rested my head against the window, watching the plane take off and New York pass us by.

only a few more chapters left>:)

falling - harry stylesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ