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Officially, one week from today the Styles family would be leaving to go back home. The plan was that I'd be moving into my parents house and working until mid October, then leaving and heading to Europe with Harry. To say I was excited would be an understatement. It was going to be quite difficult to contain my excitement for the next two months, but I would have to try.

The only complaint I had, was that I'd be away from Harry for two months. I wouldn't be able to wake up next to him every morning, or feel his kiss on my neck, or the warmth radiating off of his body when we walked in the rain. The hoodies that he was planning on leaving for me would have to suffice.

"Bella, can you pass me the salt and pepper please?" My dad asked me.

Harry and his family were currently out sightseeing, while I was cooking lunch with my parents. Harry and I agreed that we hadn't spent enough time with our families since he arrived, so some family time was an order. Thankfully, none of our parents seemed to mind too much, which I greatly appreciated.

"Here you go," I handed him the spices as I stirred the chicken broth.

It was a rainy day in New York. My mom insisted that my dad make his infamous chicken noodle soup, a warm and hearty meal to make the cold day feel a bit warmer.

Although most didn't find rain to be the best weather, I loved it. I found peace in the sound of rain falling onto the window, and the smell it left behind. It was dark and damp, and for some odd reason it made me happy.

Ashley walked into the kitchen, my mom trailing behind her.

"It smells good in here honey." My mom softly spoke, kissing my dad on the cheek.

"Almost done, the bread can probably come out of the oven now Ash." My dad nodded toward the oven.

When I was younger and Ashley was old enough to cook, we used to sit on the kitchen island and watch my parents cook. When my dad made soup he would always make fresh bread to make sandwiches, and we were always allowed to mix the soup.

This was something that I adored about my family, the small things mattered the most.

Ashley grabbed the oven mits and grabbed the bread pans from the oven, and carefully set them on the counter. My mom began making the sandwiches while Ashley set the table.

I found myself beginning to tear up. I'd be leaving the people that I loved most for an indefinite amount of time, from this moment on I needed to live more in the moment around them, and appreciate everything we did in the little amount of time we had together.

"What's wrong Bella?" Ashley asked me, looking slightly worried.

"I'm just going to miss you guys a lot when I leave," I wiped my tears with my sleeve.

"Oh honey," My mom walked over to me. "We're going to miss you too. But know that we're so proud of everything you've done and everything you're going to do." She kissed me on the cheek, Ashley and my dad joining in on our hug.

When I told my parents that I was going to postpone school because I wanted to tour with Harry, they were a bit shocked to say the least. They both wanted to make sure that it was what I wanted and obviously they wanted to make sure that I wasn't throwing my future away because of a boy. But because they knew Harry, and they wanted me to be happy, they were fine with it in the end.

"You won't be gone forever, besides you said that we can come visit and you can come here during breaks. Right?" Ashley asked, grabbing a bowl of soup and a sandwich, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Of course, but only during school breaks. Mom and dad wouldn't be happy if I flew you up to California to miss school," I grabbed a bowl and sat down next to her.

Our parents soon joined us at the table with their food in hand, agreeing with me.

"If you're both off school and have time for it, I don't see why we can't take a road trip up there. Maybe do Disney for a weekend? It's been awhile since I've been to California."

Something that I would always be grateful for, was the fact that I grew up with both parents working, food always on the table, and our house was always heated. I know that not many people get the luxury of it, so having everything that I did was something that I never took for granted.

"That sounds nice, since I didn't make it to Florida with you guys,"

"What about Harry? Maybe we could come to a show while you guys are on tour?" Ashley spoke, her eyes bright.

"I'd have to talk to Harry, but it shouldn't be a problem." I smiled back at her.

"Shouldn't be a problem? You got to meet Post Malone, Bella. If there's a problem I might need to give Harry a swift kick in the pants." Ashley rolled her eyes playfully.

"And why would Harry be needing a swift kick in the pants?" Harry spoke from the front door.

Ashley laughed and shook her head, while Harry eyed her. Anne and Robyn trailed behind him with shopping bags in their hands.

"I got to meet Post Malone, so to make up for it she wants to come to a show while we're gone." I told him.

"Of course, I could probably talk to Austin and see what show he can come to. Will that make up for it Ash?" Harry asked her.

"I think so,"

"Good. I'll get right on that." He grinned. "Hi baby," He pecked me on the lips.

"Hi Haz, how're you?" I asked, standing up and setting my dishes in the sink.

"Cold. I forgot how cold it gets here when it rains," He set his jacket down. "I missed you," He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I missed you too," I sighed. "How am I gonna be able to stay away from you for two months?" I turned around so I could be facing him.

"It's gonna be hard, but after you'll get to see the world-- or at least Europe with me."

"I'm so excited," I grinned at him. "I'm just gonna miss you a lot before and after when I go back to school."

"Let's not think about that right now, okay love? We just need to make every moment from now on count."


"I love you Bella,"

"I love you too, Harry."

i feel like that was an odd place to end this chapter but idc

i feel like that was an odd place to end this chapter but idc

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^^ my friend, helping me with ideas for this book hehe>:)

ily thanks for reading xoxox

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