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buckle up boys and girls

I was currently on the plane, travelling to London to surprise Harry.

It was the beginning of March, his first show being in four days time in Switzerland. I'd be going to his house, and we'd leave together early tomorrow morning for the second leg of the tour. To say I was excited would be quite an understatement.

In the past three months we hadn't talked very much, mostly because he didn't have the time. Between the time difference and him being in the studio almost everyday, our schedules never lined up for us to video call for more than a few minutes. It sucked, but today was the day that all would change.

The plane landed, and once I was allowed I immediately got up from my seat, rushing to grab my luggage and get a taxi to meet Harry at his condo in London. I gathered my things quickly before heading outside to find a cab.

I gave the taxi driver Harry's address, and he zoomed off onto the highway. The drive was roughly an hour, but felt like it was dragging on, partially because of the nerves building within my stomach, and partially because there was rush hour traffic. He had no idea that I was here... to say that I was excited to see him would be an understatment.

As soon as the car arrived at Harry's flat, I paid the driver and got out, grabbing my luggage I made my way to the gate, keying in the code that Gemma had given to me a few days prior.

A smile was plastered on my face as I made my way up the elevator, and slowly walked to Harry's door. I was nervous to see him, as it had been almost three months since we last saw each other, but overall excitement coursed through my veins.

Arriving at his door, I knocked on it a few times, waiting for him to answer. I know that he'd be home, because Gemma left his house a few hours ago and he told her that he didn't have any plans for the rest of the day.

I heard shuffling on the other side of the door, before a petite blonde girl with striking blue eyes, the complete opposite to how I looked, but she was gorgeous. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I knew her from.

"Uh... Hi?" She spoke, leaning against the door frame.

"Who's here?" Harry's voice grumbled from behind her, seemingly unimpressed.

I gulped as he walked up behind her, his eyes were red and widened as he stared at me.

"Bella? What are you doing here?" He asked, looking completely stunned.

"I uh, I came to surprise you." I blinked back the tears beginning to form in my hand. "Who's this?"

"She's my tour manager, we were going over a few last minute things before we leave tomorrow."

"I was just leaving, actually." she spoke, putting her shoes on before saying goodbye to Harry.

She rushed past the two of us as I stood in the doorway, not sure what to think, but I pushed those thoughts away. Harry would never do anything to make me question our relationship, but of course my insecurities made the thought linger in the back of my head.

He wasn't like that... I needed to chill out.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" He asked, pulling me in for a hug. The feeling of his arms around me made every negative thought disappear; I didn't realize how much I missed his touch until now.

"I wanted to surprise you." I sniffled.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, pulling back and motioning for me to come inside.

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