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That night, we ended up staying at the bridge for a couple hours, talking about anything and everything. We learned everything that we didn't know about each other, it made me feel good knowing that no matter how much time we spent away from each other, we could always pick up where we left off.

It was a few days later, and everybody was out of the house doing something, except for me. I had already gone to the gym, applied for some new jobs, made food and cleaned up the house.

Quite a productive day if I do say so myself.

It was early afternoon and I felt boredom begin to creep up on me, so I called the one person who I knew for sure would not be doing anything.

Only twenty minutes later Cheryl showed up at my house in a bathing suit with snacks and coolers in hand.

We decided that since the heat was almost unbearable, we would spend the day at the beach, and we hadn't hung out just the two of us at all since summer started.

I really loved our other friends, but Cheryl and I were attached at the hip. Since we met four years ago we had been inseparable, even our parents had questioned if we dated at one point or another.

"Thank god you called me, I was beginning to think you dropped off the face of the earth," She laughed.

"I had some family stuff come up, and I'm really sorry about it." I hugged her and grabbed my bag.

"Do these family things include the mystery boy that's been on your story?"

"That's um, he's just my cousin. He doesn't like his face to be shown in pictures," Even I wouldn't believe what I just said.

Cheryl eyed me suspiciously while I gathered my things and grabbed my car keys, we headed outside and into my car, soon enough we were off to the beach.

Suprisingly, even though it was extremely hot the beach wasn't very crowded. There was a lot of empty space on the sand besides the few families that decided to spend the day here too.

We layed our towels down, along with our umbrella and cooler. I took off my clothes and was left in my black bikini. A couple of teen guys whistled over at us, which we thought was hilarious considering we were at least five years older than them.

I decided that I would attempt to tan, and Cheryl decided to go into the water to, and I quote, "swim in the ocean for her daily exercise".

I heard the familiar sounds of laughter in the distance, when I looked up I realized that Harry and his family were here, along with a couple of girls that seemed to be all over Harry.

All I was hoping for was that they wouldn't see me. I didn't feel like explaining how I know Harry Styles and his entire family to Cheryl.

It looked like Harry was having the time of his life talking to the two girls, I felt a pang of jealousy. Even though we spent almost every day since he'd been here together, I still wanted to be around him. He was my best friend after all.

I ignored my thoughts and got up from my place on the towel and headed into the water to join Cheryl. I figured that she was lonely, plus it lessened my chances of seeing Harry. Thankfully not long after that, Harry and his friends packed up their things and left.

The rest of the day we spent together, we took some pictures and ended up playing a few rounds of volleyball with the guys that whistled at us earlier. As I guessed, they were all either eighteen or nineteen.

We were on our way back to my parents place. The sun had just begun to set over the New York skyline, it was beautiful.

"I don't think I'll ever get enough of this place," I hummed.

"Me neither, sometimes I can't believe that I actually live here, it's crazy."

Cheryl was scrolling through Twitter on her phone when she began to speak.

"Yoo, apparently Harry Styles in here, like in New York city here,"

She wasn't a hardcore fan of his, but she was still a fan. This is part of the reason that I didn't know if I could tell her or not. Plus, I had no idea if he would be comfortable with me telling anybody about his presence in my house.

"Oh really? That's crazy," I mumbled.

"Come on Bella! What if we ran into him? How insane would that be?"

I laughed at the irony of her comments, "Really insane, Cher."

After we got back to my house Cheryl and I bid goodbye, and promised that we would hang out again sometime soon.

When I walked into my house I was greeted by mine and Harry's parents watching movies.

"There's food in the fridge if you're hungry. We didn't know what time you'd be back so we ate without you," My mom spoke from her spot on the couch.

I mumbled a quiet thank you so I wouldn't disrupt their movie and headed up the stairs into my bedroom. I knocked on the door to make sure that Harry wasn't inside, so when there was no response I knew I was safe. We didn't want any incidents like the first day they were here happening again.

I quickly got ready for bed, feeling exhausted I sat on the bed and texted Harry asking if he was going to come back to mine tonight so I knew if I had to sleep on the couch in the basement or not. When he replied no I was relieved that I could spend the night in my bed.

Although I was happy that I could sleep on my bed instead of the couch, jealousy began to creep in on me once again. I wondered if he was with the girls from earlier.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head. We were just friends, that's all we'd ever be.

I plugged my phone in and set it down on the nightstand, climbing under the covers my eyes became heavy and I was soon asleep.

i have like the next five chapters written cause i stayed up until 5am writing, i dont wanna publish them all at once cause i feel like thats annoying but i might do it yolo

falling - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now