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this chapter is short and kinda yucky so i apologize in advance xoxo

I knew there was no hiding us from Ashley, she probably saw him kiss my forehead. Even if I tried to keep it from her she'd figure out a way to get it out of me. Ashley could be very persistent sometimes.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone Ash. Sister to sister, I don't want anyone knowing yet so you need to promise."

Even though there were multiple pictures floating around the internet of us, I didn't think that our parents knew. They weren't very big on social media, plus we denied the rumors of us dating up until recently, when we just stopped answering.

"We're dating," I spoke slowly. "But we want to keep it on the downlow for a bit, it's only been a few days so we didn't want to have it be a big thing."

"Honestly? I'm not surprised. Mom told me the way you guys look at each other. I knew it was gonna happen, I just didn't know when. And obviously I won't tell anyone, although I am a bit jealous that you're dating the Harry Styles." She laughed.

"Ashley! He's almost twice your age," I scolded.

"So? A girl can dream." She rolled her eyes playfully.

Breakfast with her was fun, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the much-needed time with my sister.

We decided to go shopping, and then maybe to one of the many museums in New York. Currently, we were at the mall and Ashley was trying on clothes.

"What about this one?"

"Maybe a bit too revealing?" I shrugged. She had good taste in clothes, I won't lie. But the things she liked were much too revealing for a fourteen year old.

"Okay." She huffed, walking back into the dressing room.

I pulled out my phone, seeing that I had no texts from Harry. It was almost four pm, and to not talk to Harry at all during the day was odd.

'Miss you' I quickly texted him.

Ashley walked out of the dressing room with the few outfits she decided to get. We gathered our things and paid before walking out of the mall and into the car.

"So I was thinking," I backed out of the mall parking lot. "We can go back to my place for a bit then go for dinner? After that I was thinking we could just go get snacks and have a movie night."

"I'd love that Bella. I really missed you... I wish mom and dad wouldn't have sent me away for half the summer. It was fun, but I didn't get to see you much. I didn't get to go to Florida either, which I was jealous of. I wanted to go on road trips and stuff with you." She frowned, looking out the window.

I bit my lip to keep myself from crying. My heart broke into pieces at her words, she probably felt like nobody wanted her around. I couldn't begin to imagine what it felt like to be in her place, a teenager with a sister almost ten year older than you, with almost fifty year old parents.

"I'm really sorry Ashley. Honestly I am, I'll tell you what, you and I will spend next summer travelling, okay? We'll make up for the missed time. And I promise to spend as much time with you as I can before university."

"What? University?"

Dammit. I forgot I still haven't told anyone other than Harry about me leaving, not even Rick who just gave me a new job.

"Uh, yeah. I got accepted to Berkely."

"That's great Bella! In Cali right?" I nodded.

"Why haven't you told anyone?"

"When I picked you up today I wanted us to be focused on each other. It had been a long time since we were all in the same room as a family... I didn't want our conversations to be centered around me. I guess now that you know I'll have to tell them, probably tomorrow at dinner." I sighed, combing a hand through my hair. I wouldn't tell them about the scholarship yet, it was something I wanted to keep to myself.

I pulled into the parkade and got out of my jeep, grabbing the bags from the back seat. We made our way into the elevator and into my apartment.

"Do you wanna just order a pizza in? We can go to the store in a bit, I think I need a nap." I laughed.

"Yeah that's fine. I can order it if you wanna lay down for a bit?" She offered, shooting me a half smile.

"You're a lifesaver Ash. Wake me up when it gets here then we can eat and go get snacks. I promise I'll be more fun tomorrow," I patted her head.

I laid down on the couch for what seemed like only a few minutes, but in actuality ended up being a few hours.

"Bella? Bella wake up, it's nine. I know you won't sleep through the night if you sleep any longer,"

I rubbed my eyes and let out a yawn. "Why didn't you wake me sooner?"

"You looked too peaceful," She giggled, setting the remote down on the table.

"Give me ten minutes and we'll go get snacks? I'm sure there's a convenience store open somewhere."

She nodded and I stood up, walking to the bathroom and grabbing my phone. I still hadn't gotten anything from Harry. It was odd considering I texted him hours ago.

'Hope your day went well. Ashley and I are heading out to the store now xx' I sent a message to my mom.

'I'm glad, Anne also said dinner tomorrow would be good. see you then<3' She sent back.

I fixed my hair and changed into a comfier outfit before grabbing my shoes, and soon enough we were on our way to a sketchy looking twenty-four hour foody mart. It was only nine thirty, I thought there'd be more open at this hour, especially in New York.

We paced through the junk food isles a few times before walking to find the chocolate milk, when I bumped into somebody.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." I quickly apologized.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention either,"

I looked up at the girl. She was a few inches taller than me, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes-- the complete opposite of what I looked like, but she was beautiful.

"Desire I couldn't find the one you wanted so I could this one instead-- Bella?"


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