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IM SORRY IF IM being annoying w my updates but i'm vv excited to finish this book

"Bella? Are you okay if I go home? I'm not feeling the greatest." Chonti spoke, knocking on the office door.

"This is the fourth time this month you've had to leave halfway through your shift Chonti. Of course I'm gonna say yes cause you can't be working while you're sick, but is there anything I should know about? I set down the stack of papers I was holding.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

My eyes widened as I looked at her, a smile immediately formed on my face as I ran over to her, engulfing her in a hug.

"What? That's crazy! Congratulations though, I'm really happy for you Chonti. Have you told Cesar?"

She shook her head, "We've only been dating for a month Bella. I'm terrified he's gonna get mad and leave me."

Shortly after Harry left, Cesar and Chonti broke the news to me that they had gone on a date and really liked each other. Of course, I was super happy for them, hearing this news shocked me as it did seem really early for this to happen, but if the two of them were happy with it I wouldn't say anything.

"Chonti. Cesar is completely head over heels for you, I doubt he'd ever be mad for something like this. Maybe a bit shocked, but definitely not mad."

"Are you sure? I found out a couple weeks ago. I don't know if I should wait to tell him or not..."

"It's completely your decision, but I know that if I was him I'd like to know, since it's his baby and all."

"I'll tell him tonight. Maybe I could make him dinner or something? Try to be romantic?" She seemed frazzled.

"Good idea. He starts at three-thirty, since you're leaving I can send him home at seven, but that's the earliest I can do. Will that work?

"Yes! That's perfect, thank you Bella. I appreciate you Bella!" She said, leaving my office.

Damn, since she was leaving I'd have to work up front for a bit, which I wasn't looking forward to. Thankfully it was a Sunday so we closed at nine, but that left two hours of me having to bartend, oh well. At least I wouldn't be alone.

Ever since the situation at the last bar, I never worked alone. And when making schedules I'd never allow anybody to work by themselves. It wasn't safe, and I didn't want any of my employees to go through what I did.

I rubbed my temples before standing up to stretch. Sitting in an office chair for four hours wasn't ideal, but thankfully I had gotten most of my work done.

I checked my phone, seeing that I had a text from Harry.

'Miss you tons. Call tonight?'

I smiled. It had been just under a week since we facetimed last, because he was so busy.

'If you can wait till ten, I'm working late tonight:('

'I can definitely wait for you, can't wait. Talk to you later, I love you!'

'I love you too'

I set my phone down before grabbing my purse and jacket. It was getting colder outside now, considering it was the middle of September. Even though my shift wasn't much later than it normally was, I decided that coffee was a good idea.

Before leaving, I asked what my coworkers wanted, making a note of them in my phone, I headed out the back door and into my car.

I rolled my eyes, realizing that there was no drive-thru and I'd have to go inside to get the drinks. It's not that I was lazy, I just didn't want to be forced into the cold. You'd think that in my twenty-two years of living here, I would have gotten used to it.

I hadn't.

Surprisingly, I found a parking spot in less than a minute and headed inside with my phone and wallet in hand.

There wasn't a line, so I quickly walked up to the counter and ordered the drinks, stepping to the side and waiting for them to be made. Once they were done, I thanked the barista and grabbed the tray.

As I opened the door to leave, somebody pushed on it causing the hot drinks to tip over in the tray and spill all over my jacket, which did not do a good job at keeping me from getting burned.

"Holy fuck!" I yelled, dropping my phone which shattered on the concrete ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," The man spoke, frantically trying to find a napkin.

I looked up at the man, tears welling in my eyes from the pain.


"Bella, oh my god I'm so sorry. What do I do?"

"Why do you think you'd have to do anything? Just get out of my way and let me leave." I pursed my lips, no longer focused on the severe pain from the hot drinks being poured on my torso.

"Let me help you," He pleaded.

"You've done enough and quite frankly I don't want your help. Move." I pushed passed him, grabbing my now broken phone I headed straight for my car.

Once sitting in my Jeep I rested my head against the steering wheel, clutching it so hard that my knuckles turned white.

I was okay, I was away from him and he couldn't hurt me anymore. Harry would protect me, especially when it came to Michael and the things he did to me.

I put the key in the ignition and headed for my house. I was not going to go back to work covered in coffee, but I couldn't tell anybody because my phone was broken. Looks like I'd have to drop it off somewhere to get it repaired.

Once at my parents house I opened the door, seeing that no one was home I made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I changed out of the stained clothes, into a pair of leggings and one of the hoodies that Harry left for me. I needed his comfort right now.

Opening my Macbook I clicked on the messages app, texting Harry and asking if he was free to call. To my surprise he responded immediately with a yes, so I called him.

It rang a few times before he picked up, a smile on his face until he saw me crying.

"Bella? What's wrong, love?"

"It's Michael... I saw him today."

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