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The next day we woke up feeling ecstatic, all of my worries temporarily left because I was preparing for the night ahead of us.

Harry texted me a few times throughout the day, telling us to be safe and have fun; all of the things that a good friend would be saying.

Although, I'm pretty sure we were past the point of just being friends.

Either way, nothing could ruin the amount of happiness I felt because we were seeing Post Malone tonight. I'd never been happier.

As soon as Cheryl and I woke up we began to prepare, shaving, makeup, hair; the whole nine yards. We slept in late and woke around noon, which helped the fact the we started getting ready so early.

"Cheryl, I honestly have no idea how you managed to get these tickets so soon, but thank you."

"God is good Bella," She smiled, putting the finishing touches on her hair.

"Dude I just-- fuck I'm so excited, you have no idea,"

"I think I do have an idea, its all you've been talking about since we got here," She laughed.

I rolled my eyes and quickly changed into my concert outfit, which consisted of a tie-dye shirt and cutoff denim shorts. The outfit complimented the array of tattoos that I had on my thigh, as well at my right arm.

Cheryl soon finished getting ready, and before I knew it, we were off. The ticket's were floor, so we thought that being early to wait in line was the best idea; we'd have a better chance at getting barricade if we were earlier.

There was maybe one-hundred people in front of us, meaning the chances of us being right at the stage were out of the question which made us sad-- but nonetheless we were both more than excited to be here.

I hugged Cheryl with tears in my eyes once we got a spot in line.

"Why are you crying Bella?" she patted my back.

"Because you... we're seeing him because of you. Thank you Cheryl, I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you."

It was such a small gift, coming to this concert. But it meant the world to me.

"Isabella, I did this for us. Don't cry, I missed you. We haven't had much girl time in awhile, I'm just glad we made up... otherwise I spent an insane amount on concert tickets for nothing,"

We laughed together, as an announcement came over the outdoor PA system.

'Isabella Anderson and Cheryl Garcia please come to the box office, one again that's Isabella Anderson and Cheryl Garcia please make your way to the box office.'

We looked at eachother confused. "Do you have to pick up the tickets or something?" I questioned her.

She shook her head, "No, they're digital. I'm not sure what's going on, but I think we should head inside."

I looked at her with complete confusion. Not knowing what was happening, we both walked inside to the box office.

There was some people buying tickets last minute, but also a group of a couple burley men dressed in tuxedo's, which was kinda terrifying. They looked like they could take your head off with just a snap of their fingers.

"Hi um, I'm Isabella and this is Cheryl. We were called to come in here?"

"Can I see some ID first?" The receptionist asked,

We both began to dig through our purses and pulled out our ID cards, handing them to the man. He typed a few things in his computer before handing the cards back to us and smiling.

"Now if you'll just follow me," He stood up, motioning for us to come behind the counter.

The man started walking down a long hallway, neither Cheryl or I knew what was happening.

"Excuse me, can you please tell us where we're going?" Cheryl spoke up.

"It's a surprise, curtousy of someone very close to Bella."

His answer left both of us with even more questions than we had before, and to be honest I was a bit frightened. The men in suits were following behind us and quite frankly, I was too scared to run away from them.

"Do you know what the fuck is going on?" Cheryl leaned in towards me, speaking just below a whisper so only I could hear.

"No idea, I'm kinda freaked out though."

We went down a few twists and turns in the hallway, before coming into a big open area with some couches and speakers, a makeup area and other control items strung out around the room.

It took me a few moments to realize that we were backstage, and it seems like Cheryl and I noticed at the same time. We looked at each other in a state of complete shock, still wondering why we had been brought here.

There was still hours before the concert started. People were rushing around attaching cords to different things and running tests on sound boxes, it was quite a sight to see when we knew we shouldn't be there.

The two of us jumped when the sound of a guitar started playing on the other side of the big black curtain.

I recognized it almost immediately as the beginning of 'Feeling Whitney', I don't think I've ever started hyperventalating so quickly.

"Holy fuck Bella,"

I stood there for a second, walking over to the curtain and seeing none other than Austin Post sitting on a bench with a spotlight shining on him, with a guitar in his hands.

"To each their own and find peace in knowing,
Ain't always broken but here's to hoping
Show no emotion against your coding,
Just act as hard as you can, you don't need a friend,
Boy, you're the man," He sang beautifully.

I found myself crying, staring at the beautiful man in front of me. It felt like I was in a dream, even Cherl had made her way next to me and I didn't notice. Her hands were covering her mouth and she cried.

Austin looked over to us, laughing lightly, he put the guitar down and motioned for the music to stop. He walked over to us and I felt like I'd pass out any minute.

"You're Isabella, right? And Cheryl?" He looked between the two of us.

"Yeah, I'm Cheryl and this is Bella,"

I didn't understand how Cheryl was able to compose herself within the few seconds she had while he walked over to us; I was still completely starstruck.

"Wow." I finally said, wiping the tears that had fallen down my cheeks.

Austin and Cheryl laughed while I composed myself.

"Do you guys want anything to eat or drink? We've got so much stuff here it's crazy, help yourself." He said, walking over to a snack table that was set up in the corner.

"I'm good, thanks though. If you don't mind me asking, how the fuck did this happen? Like it's great and I'm still in shock but like... wow." I asked.

"Harry didn't tell you?


"Didn't tell me what?" I wondered if he had anything to do with the situation we were currently in.

"He called me, said his special someone was coming tonight so we got this sorted out," He explained.

Fucking Harry.


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