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I was awoken by a symphony of pots and pans rattling from the kitchen downstairs, and the oh-so-lovely sun shining into my room, giving me a pleasant slap in the face

Zero out of ten, would most definitely not recommend this as the number one way to wake up after a night out.

It took me a few moments to take in my surroundings. Between the pounding in my head and being blinded by the sun, my brain needed more time than usual to catch up.

I was quite confused to see an unfamiliar suitcase open on the floor, along with a tshirt that laid at the foot of my bed.

Oh my god.

I was so drunk that I completely forgot that Harry and his family were here, and that Harry was staying in my room.

I ripped the blankets off me, quickly realizing that I was in a bra and underwear, but thankful that Harry didn't seem to be in the room. I walked over to my closet, just about to take my undergarments off when my bedroom door opened.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry I thought that you would still be sleeping," Harry's thick accent mumbled from the other side of the door as he closed it, quickly realizing that I was almost nude.

"Give me five minutes," I spoke, mentally cursing myself for not wrapping a blanket around me.

"I, uh.. I brought you some aspirin and water. You seemed really drunk last night so um, I just thought you might need it."

I put my face in my hands, cringing in embarrasment. "Thank you Harry, um... just leave it outside the door. I'll be out in a couple minutes."

"Okay." He replied.

"Oh! Harry?"


"Can you uh... can you please keep this to yourself? I'll owe you one."

He chuckled lightly, "Yeah, okay. I won't tell anyone."

I found it quite humourous, the fact that we hadn't spoken in years and this was our first interaction. 

I quickly changed into sweats and a tshirt, opened my door and took the aspirin Harry left for me, and went to my bathroom to wash my face. I put on a minimal amount of makeup, just to cover the dark circles under my eyes so my mom wouldn't suspect anything.

Also because I was trying to waste time before heading downstairs. I already knew how awkward it was going to be, so wasting a few extra moments to put makeup on seemed like a great idea.

I took a few extra minutes to mentally prepare myself before going downstairs. I was beyond nervous to actually see my old best friend face to face. Would we act the way we did around each other before he left? I knew that it would be at least bit awkward considering our small interaction this morning and last night when he was apparently awake when I came into the bedroom.

Making my way down the stairs was one of the most nerve-wracking things I had done in a very, very long time.

Laughter could be heard from the kitchen, along with the sounds of the morning news and the aroma of bacon could be smelled throughout the house. I took a deep breath in and turned the corner into the kitchen, being met with the lively faces of my parents, Anne, Robin and Gemma.

Anne was the first to see me. She ran over to me with tears in her eyes, "Bella! You look so different since I last saw you, stunning, of course. And I love your hair!" She hugged me and smiled.

It was true. Since I last saw them, I had grown out my hair and cut bangs, as well as I had gotten a few tattoos and started working out more.

Gemma was next to come over to me, we hugged and immediately started up a conversation about how our lives had been since we last saw each other.

It felt amazing to be able to talk like it hadn't been four years since I last saw them.

My nerves had lessened up until the moment that Harry came into the room.

He looked older now.

His face was more defined now; it seemed to be more manly than it used to be. He had cut his hair, and it wasn't as curly as it used to be. Now, it was just fluffy. He had stubble on his chin, and his eyes seemed more narrow.

It felt so odd to be in the same room as him.

He looked at my and his eyes lit up, he smiled and walked over to me, immediately engulfing me in a hug.

I hugged him back, completely forgetting about our earlier encounter, I missed my best friend.

Once you were an adult, it was really hard to find friends, or people that you want to associate with. I was lucky to even find a small group of people that I could call my friends. And Harry. I don't know if you could call us friends considering the amount of time we spent away from each other, but I hoped that we would get to that point again during his stay.

"I've missed you," He spoke quietly so only I could hear.

I nodded and took a deep breath, afraid I would cry if I spoke.

He gave me a small squeeze and we pulled back, he smiled and me and I smiled back, not knowing what to say.

"You look so different," He said.

"I hope that isn't a bad thing? And if it is I wouldn't be talking if I were you," I teased.

He rolled his eyes and sat down next to me at the kitchen table. My mom brought plates of food to the table and set them down.

I grabbed a few pieces of bacon and french toast, but of course I had to take more bacon cause Harry kept taking pieces off my plate.

And just like that we were pulled into conversations about what had happened in our lives while we were away.

It felt good to be with them again.

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