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"Bella, I don't understand why you feel the need to do literally all of your shopping on Christmas eve. You do this every year, I thought you would've learned your lesson," Cheryl laughed.

"In my defense, I was away for two months travelling the world with my boyfriend." I shot back.

She playfully rolled her eyes before grabbing a box of Christmas chocolate off the shelf, putting it into the cart. I glared at her actions.

"What? You drag me out every year on Christmas eve, it's the least you could do."

I huffed before throwing a few boxes of chocolate into the cart, before making my way to the electronic section of target.

"What am I supposed to get an almost fifteen year old?" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Air pods? I've heard that kids are obsessed with them." Cheryl shrugged.

I bent down, looking at the price of the wireless earbuds. My eyes widened at the tag. "Two hundred dollars? They better be made out of diamonds." I spoke, throwing the box into the cart.

My phone rang from my purse, so I rummaged through to find it. I smiled seeing the caller ID.

"Hello Harry." I sing-songed.

"Hi Isabella. What're you doing?" His voice sounded raspy.

"Last minute Christmas shopping. I regret leaving it till now."

"You didn't learn anything from last year, did you?"

"That's what I said!" Cheryl laughed.

"I love that my boyfriend and best friend and ganging up on me. You guys are terrible," I said, making the two of them laugh.

"Anyways, whats up Haz?"

" I was thinking if you have some free time tomorrow, we could skype and open our gifts on camera?"

"Yeah that's a great idea. I'll probably call you in the afternoon some time, when my parents are having their turkey-induced-coma naps."

"I look forward to it. I've gotta go now, my mum needs my help with something. I love you!"

"I love you too," I spoke, before hanging up.

"Are we done yet?" Cheryl groaned.

"I think so," I said, pushing the cart to a till.

I paid for the things I bought before walking outside into the cold winter air. It was dark and blizzarding, and even though it was cold enough to lose your ligaments, it was still stunning.

We made our way to my car, freshly fallen snow crunching under each step we took.

I dropped Cheryl off at her house, thanking her for coming and telling her to say Merry Christmas to her parents for me.

The drive to my parents place took longer than it needed to because of the snow and the traffic from people going out on Christmas eve to buy last minute things. I would curse them, but I was doing the same thing so I had no right to complain.

I texted my mom, telling her that I'd be late and she responded telling me to be safe.

About half an hour later, I arrived at my house. I quickly took all of my bags upstairs so nobody would see what I bought.

I changed into some comfier clothes so I would be warmer, and went back down the stairs to the kitchen, where my parents and Ashley were waiting for me.

"Nice of you to finally join us," My dad laughed.

I playfully glared at him. "I was finishing shopping for tomorrow, thank you very much."

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